Same Direction Love

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"Oh, em, gee!!! Here they are!!!" Dentons sister said screaming at the top of her lungs, trying to scream over the crowd of other screaming fan girls. And she was right, there they were, One Direction. Ugh. Why, does everyone go crazy for them?? He didn't understand. But oh well, he is here for his sisters and he could care less about them. Dentons three sisters, Haley, Kakes, and Patience then there's him..Denton..probably the only boy here..oh well. Denton knew he didn't belong in this crowd with his black emo styled hair, his lip piercing, and his guy liner that he likes, in fact he got a lot of looks when they came in...fucking preps.

"Oh my god that was amazing!" Haley said excitedly, jumping up and down excitedly. It was after the concert and they were in the foyer of the Civic Center. He is only here to chaperone. "Listen up everyone, we are now doing the drawing for which lucky girl gets to meet One Direction" an announcer said in a microphone. A whole crowd of girls screamed, injuring his ear drum. "Alright settle down..alright, the winner issss" he trailed off, picking a little strip of paper from a big basket and looked at it. "Haley" Haley screamed along with Patience and Kakes, them huddling together and jumping down excitedly. Denton planted his face in his hands and thought to himself "Are you fucking kidding me.." "This way girls" the announcer said, leading them backstage and to a door. "Whenever your ready" the announcer said and walked away. His sisters squealed and got their shit together, then opened the door.

There they were, all of the One Direction members sitting in a circle yet far apart. Dentons sisters walked in and started talking to their favorite band member. Denton sighed and walked in to, closing the door behind him and sat on the couch next to the door. Denton laid his head back and sighed. Then, he felt weight next to him. Denton lifted his head and looked to the left of him and saw Harry Styles next to him, smiling. "Um...hi.." Denton said quietly. "Hi!" he said cheerily with a smile. Denton stared at him, this dude is unnaturally bubbely. Denton gave him a face and turned his head forward, looking at his own sisters. "What is your name?" Harry asked, curling his knuckles and planted them on his cheek, looking at Denton. "Denton" he answered, glancing at Harry. "That's an interesting name" Harry said, still smiling. Denton had to admit, Harry's British accent was sexy and it complimented everything about him. "Thanks..i thought so to" Denton replied, turning his head and looking at Harry, and Harry just sat there, smiling at him. Okkkkayyy not weird at all. "W-wheres the bathroom?" Denton asked, trying to break Harry's staring. "O-oh over there" Harry stuttered for a minute, pointing across the room. "Thanks" Denton said standing up, making his way over to the door and opened it. It was the bathroom, so Denton went inside and close the door behind him. "What is wrong with me?? Why is my heart racing?? Why is my face warm?? Why is Harrys face in printed in my mind and wont leave??" Denton thought to himself.

Denton stood there and breathed heavily, looking down at his own hands. Denton heard knocking at the door, he turned around and looked at the door, forgetting he was leaning against it. Denton took a deep breath and opened the door, of course, Harry is right there, a light smile on his face this time. "Are you ok? You've been here for quite awhile and i got worried" Harry said, and he actually slipped through the door and came inside the bathroom, standing behind Denton. It took Denton a bit to realize what happened and turned around, looking at Harry. Harry came closer to him and put his hand next to Dentons head, pushing the door close. Denton blushed and looked up at him. Damn this guy is tall, but then again Denton is not that short. "You barely know me and your worried about me?" Denton asked surprised but flattered. "I may have just met you, but theres something i like about you" Harry said bending down a bit and leaning into Dentons face. Denton blushed insanely as the tip of his nose was a bit past Dentons, Harry's lips, a few inches from Dentons, Harry's breath heavy, as if trying to hold himself back.

-----Part 2 coming soon if wanted! :D

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