Same Direction Love (Part 6)

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Part 6

When Dentons sisters got home and saw Harry next  to him they squealed. "Guys shush!  Your hurting my head" Denton said irritated. "Ok ok we're sorry" they said with a giggle, going upstairs but glancing at the two of them occasionally. Denton rolled his eyes and stood up. "Wanna go somewhere Harry.." Denton asked, putting his tea down. "Yea, were?" Harry asked, standing up as well. "Just..somewhere" Denton said already walking out the door. Harry run up to catch up with Denton then walked beside him. Harry got on his phone and called someone. Denton looked at him. "Who are you calling?" Denton asked him. "The boys to meet us where we're going. We are suppose to leave today" Harry answered, grabbing Dentons hand with his free hand. "Oh.." Denton said, looking down at his own feet as they walked. They finally reached the McDonalds Denton was originally at. Then Denton realized why they were here and looked at Harry. Harry was already looking at Denton, smiling. "To make up from the first one i messed up on" Harry said, walking inside with Denton. They got stares and little girls squealed and came up to Harry, asking for his autograph and had their moms take pictures of them. Denton smiled and shook his head and ordered frappes. Once they got them, they sat down in a two seated table.

"I'm sorry about before but.." Harry began and gently touched the top of Dentons hand "I'm here now." Denton smiled and scooped a bit of the cream from his own frappe and flicked it at Harry. Harry gasped then laughed as it landed on his face and a bit on his shirt. Harry laugh and wiped it off. "You ass!" he said with a laugh. Denton smiled and shook his shoulders a bit in victory as he sipped his frappe. Harry smiled and stared at Denton, he noticed Harry out of the corner of his eye and smiled up at him. Harry leaned in a bit as if to kiss Denton, even though he was across from him. Denton smiled and leaned in as well. Their lips where a few inches away but then Louis came out of nowhere and yelled "ELLO!" They jumped and pulled away. Denton put his face in his own hands in embarrassment. Louis sat there laughing as the rest of the members came into McDonalds. Denton planted mhis forehead on the table and groaned. Harry giggled a bit and stood up, came over to Denton and rubbed his back. "I'm sorry Denton" Harry said laughing. Denton groaned in response then lifted his head. "Lets go" said Denton standing up. "Ok" Harry said wrapping his arm around Denton. They started out the door then Denton spotted some one out on the other side of the restaurant bumping into the wall over and over. "Wait Harry" Denton said pulling away from him and slowly approached the man. He was in the little lobby in between the doors that lead into the restaurant and doors that lead out. Denton opened the door slowly and went through it, the door slowly closed behind him. "Sir, are you alright?" Denton asked. He received no response. The man just, kept bumping into the wall. Denton gulped and gently put his hand on the mans shoulder. The man instantly turned around and Denton gasped. Half of his face was missing and he had blood on his lips. Denton screamed and fell backwards, hitting the window. The man jumped on Denton and chomped his teeth up and down as Denton put his own arm against the mans neck to restrain him.

Part 7 if wanted :3

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