Same Direction Love (Part 3)

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Part 3

The next day Denton got ready, and headed out, going to the nearest McDonalds. Denton went in and order a medium caramel frappe then sat on a two seated table and waited. An hour past and Harry did not show up. Denton shook his head and laughed nervously. "I knew it..i fucking knew it.." Denton thought to himself then stood up and stormed out angrily, throwing his frappe into the garbage can next to the door and walked out. Denton walked half way down the street and his phone started ringing. Dentons eyes widened as he stopped, his heart beat and excitedly pulled it out. Denton was surpirsed who it was. It wasnt Harry but it was Danny Warsnop from Asking Alexandria. Why is he calling? Denton shrugged and answered it. "Hey Danny" Denton said as he started walking. Dentons heart breaking that it wasnt Harry but what could he do ya know. "Hay Den-Den, im in town. Wanna hang?" Danny asked, sounded excited. Denton smiled. "Alright, were?" "Ummm..I'm at the Civic Center meet me there?" Danny asked, hearing wind blowing into the phone, indicating Danny is outside. "Sure, see you in a minute" Denton tried to sound happy but inside his heart ached...badly..

Denton reached the Civic Center and saw Danny on the steps infront of the building. Danny spotted Denton and smiled, standing up. Denton smiled as he approached Danny. "Look at you Den-Den" Danny said as they got closer to each other, Danny reached out and pulled him in for a hug. Denton grunted a bit because Danny grabbed and pulled a bit harshly but that was because he didnt expect it. Denton smiled and hugged back. Danny let go and walked Denton inside, arm over his shoulders. "What are you doing here?" Denton asked, looking at his own feet. "Oh, we're doing a warped tour with Blood on the Dance Floor, how crazy is that??" Danny said, smiling and looking around the building. "Very" said Denton, looking up at Danny and smiling. They walked up to the rest of the members and Denton looked over to see Harry looking at him, looking hurt while Niall talked to Harry, but he looked like he was not paying attention. What the fuck is he mad about...

Denton spent an hour with Danny and Ben then he saw Harry walk over, slightly pissed. Denton turned and looked at Harry, crossing his own arms. "You looked pissed, why?" Denton asked, uninterested and actually mad himself. "Why are you here??" Harry demanded. "I should ask you the same thing" Denton snapped back. Harry opened his mouth but then quickly closed it, looking away. "I was caught up in something ok.." Harry said in a low tone. "Mhm well, this is why i dont date guys like you, something comes up and you dont bother to tell me, just expect me to be ok with it" Denton shook his head "I cant believe you.." Denton heared his own voice crack. "You totally stood me up and never told me why.." Denton turned around on his heel and walked away.

----- Part 4 coming soon~

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