First day of school

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I woke up at 6:30am. That Irish guy kept me up ALL night. I got up and put on my Green Day top, blue jeans and my knee high converse. I then put on some make up. Mainly to cover the bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. At 8:40am I was ready. The collage was only 2 blocks away so I decided to skateboard there.


Once I got to the school I decided to grind down the bars at the stairs cause why not. By the time I was half way down the bar, I noticed a boy walk by. "Shit!" I thought to myself as I crashed into him.

When I opened my eyes again I looked up to see the boy in front of me holding out his hand. "You okay lass?" I took his hand and got up. As I looked into his ice blue eye. I could feel myself getting lost in them. "Yeh. I'm okay. Sorry..." "It's okay." He chuckles. "I'm Sean!" "Y/n." I blushed.

Sean's POV
Wow. Y/n was so gorgeous. With her beautiful h/c hair and mesmerising e/c eyes. She was perfection. We both paused. I could see half the school looking at us. "Erm... So what do you have first?" "Science." She said rubbing her head. "Hey me to! Wanna walk with me?" I smiled at her. "Sure." She smiled and started to blush. We than walked to class.


Your POV
When we got to class the teacher looked at me. "Oh! You must be Y/n! Please introduce yourself to the class." "Okay... Erm hi everyone. My name is Y/n and I have moved here from LA." Everyone was silent. Then the teacher spoke. "Okay. Thank you Y/n. If you could please take a seat next to Sean and we can get started." The teacher rambled on about Elements and shit. I noticed that Sean wouldn't stop looking at me. "What?" I said turning my head towards him a little. "What?! Erm nothing. Its just you remind me of someone." (Wink wink nudge nudge) "oh yeh?" I figured he must be a fan of Mark. "Yeh. Like someone I know. Are you related to anyone famous?" I then noticed a shadow over us. I looked up to see that it was our science teacher. "No please! Don't let me stop your conversation." He said sarcastically. Sean then turned to me and said: "Are you related to anyone famous?" The whole class then burst into laughter including me. "Mr McLoughlin! Trying to be funny to impress your girlfriend isn't gonna work. All it will do is send you to the head masters office." We all kept laughing. "Right!" He shouted. "Mr McLoughlin, Go to the head master office this instant!" He pointed to the door. We all stopped laughing apart from Sean. "Okay Sir!" He says trying to catch his breath. "Last time I checked this was collage. Not high school." The teacher said as Sean walked out the door. "I 100% agree sir." Sean says opening the door again. "So why am I being sent to the head masters office?" "Just go Sean!" The teacher screamed at Sean again. He walked out and we continued with the lesson.

A/n Hi guys! I know this chapter was really long with 563 words but I wanted you to get to know Sean more. Bye for now!!✌🏻️✌🏻

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