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I woke up for school at the ungodly hour of 6:45, sighing I slipped on black skinny jeans, a white v neck and my leather jacket along with my necklaces that I always wore. I ruffled my hair and looked at the clock 7:10.

I strolled outside and saw Viv pacing back and forth, reading her chemistry textbook not noticing me as she collided into my chest.

I steadied her, holding her shoulders, making sure she was upright as I chuckled at he clumsiness.

"Do you ever stop studying?" I smirked.

"Do you ever stop asking questions? Get in the car. We are late." She snapped, closing her book, climbing into the vehicle.

"Viv, we are an hour early." I chuckled at how uptight she was as I got into the passengers side.

"Exactly. I have things to do and you are holding me up. Be out here ready at 7:05 or I will leave you behind."

"Who put a stick up your ass?" I smirked.

She rolled her eyes

"You did." She said as she sped off towards the school.

I stayed silent, knowing not to cross the line.

She sighed.

"So are you nervous?" Sheasked.

"Why would I be?" I raised an eyebrow. The thought hadn't crossed my mind.

"Because it's your first day at a new school and you don't know anybody."

"I know you. And I know my band mates." I smiled.

"Maybe I know them, you will have to introduce me sometime." She smiled.

She was still cute as could be eight years later.

"Will do." I smiled as she parked at the school, getting out waving to the petite girl on the steps.

I grabbed my bag and followed her up the stairs to the girl.

"You are late! I was so worried about you." She gushed, handing Vivian a cup of coffee.

"Thank you. And sorry, I was waiting for Denis." She gestured to me.

"I'm Maddie." She extended her hand for me to shake.

"Denis. Nice to meet you." I flashed her a smile as I shook her hand.

I could practically see her swoon.

"Well Denis, the office is over there if you want to get your schedule, we have to be going." Vivian grabbed her shoulder, guiding her away from me and towards the courtyard.

I walked into the office and smiled charmingly at the desk lady.

"I'm Denis. I'm new do you have my schedule?"

"Yes Denis!" She smiled, grabbing a paper, handing it to me.

"Thank you so much." I smiled.

My phone vibrated and I looked down to see a text from Ben.

We are in the courtyard mate come link up.

I texted him a quick reply and walked to the courtyard confidently.  I saw the lads and strolled over greeting them with smiles, giving them hugs.

Here I am (TWWW Denis POV)Where stories live. Discover now