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The next morning I got up extra early to look presentable when I asked Tori to the dance. I got her flowers and everything. It had to seem real so Vivian wouldn't suspect that I really wanted to take her, of course she gave me shit for it. Typical Viv.

At lunch today she seemed bother though, every time she looked at Tori and I at the other table I could se what tense. I knew it was bothering her.

After class ended I waited for Vivian by the car but instead of her usual cheery greeting she just got in and drove without a word.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Perfect. Everything's great." She said sarcastically.

"What's wrong little Owl?" I asked, using a childhood nicknamehad given here

"you haven't called me that in years."

"Well what's wrong?" I inquired again.

"Nothing. Rough day." She parked the car in her driveway.

"What are your plans this afternoon."

"I'm going to Octavius's now to work on a project."

"What time will you be home?" I asked, bothered that she would be with him.

"Seven probably."

"Denis and Vivian night?" I suggested. We had D&V nights when we were young, it was essentially a movie night, with ice cream and candy of course.

"I don't know I'm gonna be tired." She sighed.

"It will take your mind off of whatever is bothering you Owl, besides, I'm not taking no for an answer." I smirked, getting out of the car.

"Fine. Bye Denis."


Viv pulled up to her house and stomped up the stairs, where I was already sitting on her bed, looking through an old photo album she had.

She walked in and rolled her eyes.

"You know I should really put a lock on that window." She laughed sarcastically.

"Well that kills all of my fun of hanging out in here while you are gone." I smiled.

"How was your time with Octavius?" I sighed.

"I'll tell you about it after I change." S smiled, grabbing a black T shirt and grey pajama shorts.

I messed with her TV as she got changed and brushed her teeth.

"What are you doing?" She laughed as she walked out seeing me struggle.

"I'm trying to get the DVD player to work!" I exhaled frustratedly.

"Here." She laughed, pushing me aside and turning it on, looking at the movie i was trying to put in.

The exorcist.

"Hell no."

"What?" I smiled innocently.

"I am not watching this."

"Why not?"

"Because it's scary!"

"I'll protect you from the demons." I chuckled.

She was so cute.

"There's no way to protect someone from demons!"

"Suck it up and put the movie in."

She sighed, letting me win.

The movie started and we both laid down on her bed.

"So you never told me what happened with Octavius."  I inquired.

"He uh, asked me to the dance." She smiled.

I tensed.

"You're kidding me right?"

She shook her head.

"Well what did you say?"

"I said yes."

"What! Why?"

"Because why not? He's nice and he wants to get to know me."

"More like get to know your body." I muttered.

I knew his type.

"Denis you don't know him!"

"I know how guys like him think." I rolled my eyes. She was naive.

"I'm not arguing about this. You have no say in who takes me to the dance."

We sat in silence, watching the movie.

The movie began to get scary after about twenty minutes, causing hwr to cower behind the blankets, jumping whenever something scared her.

I sighed, breaking the silence.

"Come here little owl."

She slid over next to me, as I wrapped my arms around her waist, letting her bury her head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm not gonna let any demon get you." I smirked as she peeked at the screen

We laid like that until the movie ended and she untethered herself from me .

"Holy shit that was scary." She bit her lip.

I smirked.

"I quite enjoyed it."

She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Well I should probably go. Night Viv." I hugged her, taking my movie before I swung out the window.

She closed the window and I swung back to my room where I cursed as I realized I left my phone in her room.

I swung back over into her window as I heard a scream.

I looked over at her and laughed, slipping on the light, realizing what she was holding.

"What the fuck Denis!" She yelled, dropping her weapon.

"How in the hell would that lamp defend you?" I laughed.

She looked down to see that she had been holding her lamp.

"It was the best I had! What are you even doing here? You just left like twenty seconds ago."

"I left my phone." I walked to her dresser, grabbing it.

"And it couldn't have waited until morning?" she glared.

"No I also wanted to scare you." I smiled evilly.

"You are such a dick." She threw her pillow at me.

I stared at he for a moment and noticed how spooked she was.

"Are you okay." I asked, walking towards the bed.

"Honestly? I'm freaked out and won't be able to sleep for a week."

I chuckled, turning off the light climbing into her bed.

"What the heck are you doing?" She got nervous.

"Helping you sleep. Besides, you seem to have forgotten that our D&V nights always had a sleepover at the end." I smiled, pulling her to my chest once again.

She fit on my side perfectly.

"We were in elementary school then. It was different." She argued.

"Just shut up and go to sleep." I yawned, running my hand down her side soothingly.

This was perfect.

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