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"Denis dude come check out this bar setup!" James yelled from the living area.

Viv raised my eyebrow. I Knew how she felt about drinking. Even though she was of legal drinking age she wouldn't break the law here, and had never had a sip of alcohol in her life.

I looked at me pleadingly. I really wanted to celebrate us recording.

"You can go drink. Don't let me stop you." She sighed.

I smiled, kissing her cheek. I was ready for a party.

"Thank you!" I said as he ran out of the room and into the bar area.

She shook her head.

We began to mix drinks and pour shots as Viv walked out the door.

"I'm going to go explore a bit. Don't do anything terrible stupid."

A few hours later I was wasted and I knew it. I had no filter or inhibitions and I knew I was blackout drunk and wouldn't remember this in the morning.

The room was filled with the stench of alcohol.

Pillows were everywhere and the room looked like a mess.

Viv walked in the door as I laid under a funnel downing four bottles of unknown substances.

"What the hell?" She asked as she walked over to the bar area, seeing Cam, Sam, James, and Ben all holding bottles of various alcohol, pouring them into the funnel, cheering as I Drank them all mixed together.

"What the fuck?" She muttered.

I finished the contents of the four bottles, got up and smiled at my feat.

"That was fun lads. Round two later."

I had no plans of stopping anytime soon. This was so fun.

Vivian looked beautiful, her hair was messy and her skin was sun kissed. She was a perfect specimen.

"Vivian!" We all cheered, coming over and hugging her all at once, almost causing her to fall.

We drank some more and she sat on the couch watching us be drunk end idiots, but for once I wasn't as concerned about what she thought about me. I was having fun.

I noticed James tap Viv on the shoulder.

"What James?" She raised her eyebrow. This should be good.

"Can you give this to Denis?" He slurred, handing her a bottle of Smirnoff ice.

"Why?" She raised her eyebrow.

"I....uh need him to open it for me." Such a lie.

"Okay?" She got up, handing the bottle to me.

"Shit!" I yelled, grabbing it from my hand, ripping the cap off with my teeth (a talent I had acquired recently) , getting down on one knee and downing it quickly.

"What the hell?" She turned to James.

"You've never heard of the Smirnoff ice challenge?" He chuckled, amused.

"No?" Vivian looked at him, confused.

"If you are presented with it, you have to get down on one knee and chug it." James explained.

"Vivian come here." I waved her over, swaying in my seat. The world was spinning and she was what kept me grounded.

"What Denis?" She groaned, sitting on the couch next to me.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" I slurred, attempting to kiss her. God I loved her and she was what made my world spin.

She pushed me away standing up, but I stopped her grabbing her by her wrist. I didn't want her to go I loved her.

"Wait, Viv. Loosen up. Have a drink." I stood up grabbing a bottle of whiskey in one hand, squeezing her wrist in the other so she wouldn't leave. If she had the fun we did she would stay with me.

"Denis! Ouch, stop it you are hurting me." She tried pulling my arm away from him, only making me tighten my grip. I didn't want her to go.

"Cmon, have a drink, how can I convince you to have fun? You are too good." I yanked her to my chest, wrapping my arm that had been holding her wrist around her waist.

"Just one little, sip, you will like it I promise." I slurred, raising the bottle towards her lips. I just wanted her to try it.

"Stop it." She exclaimed as I did so.

I sighed and began to kiss along her jaw. I loved when people kissed my jaw and neck so I figured she would like it too.

"How can I get you to lighten up?" My hand traveled down to her ass as I squeezed it, causing her to gasp, and then I quickly took the bottle and poured some whiskey into her mouth.

She spit it out all over me , coughing and wheezing as I tried to make her drink some more. If she drank it she will like it.

She shoved me away, slapping, quickly running into our room and locking the door.

I got up and walked to her door, and began to bang on it

"Vivian! I just wanna hold you."

I sighed as I walked away after minutes with no reply.

I woke up the next morning on the floor with a pillow under my head, which was aching due to my horrid hangover.

I got up and noticed the counter, on it was five glasses of water, and three pain relievers for us all, along with all of our sunglasses and a note.

'Next time you all get so shitfaced I won't be this nice in helping you with hangovers. Don't even think about waking me up. I'll see you this afternoon after your recording session, when you all are SOBER.'

What had happened last night?


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