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I eagerly opened the door to our hotel, a smile on my face. My hangover had gone away and I was ready to see Vivian.

I walked  back to the bedroom, seeing Vivian looking in the mirror dressed in a sweatshirt with flowers on it, jeans, boots and a white beanie.

She jumped as she saw me.

I chuckled.


"You scared me." She stated.

"Clearly, considering you jumped a foot off of the ground."

She smiled her perfect smile at me.


"So I was thinking that you and I could go out today? I'm sorry yesterday turned into what it did, I remember funneling and then it goes black." I scratched my neck, embarrassed by my actions.

"Yeah you all were a bit intoxicated."

"I'm so sorry."

"Its fine." She Said as she walked past me  out the door.

I remembered something I had to ask her about the trip and reached out grabbing her arm, causing her to wince.

"Hey wait! Did you get-" I stopped when i realized that she winced.

"What happened?"

"Nothing you startled me."

"Viv, you crinkle your nose when you lie. You have since you were seven years old." I looked at her seriously.

"Nothing Denis. Let go." She pulled her arm in an attempt to get me to let go.

I rolled up her sleeve, revealing the bruise in the shape of a male hand. I became enraged at the the ought of someone hurting Vivian. She was my world and deserved all the happiness and no pain.

"Who the hell did this?" I asked, suddenly furious.


"Tell me who the hell did this to you. I will rip them apart."

"Denis it's a small bruise." She tried calming me down. It was no use she was a light and could bring me back to the ground but the thought of someone burning out that light....that killed me.

"Viv if you are afraid, you don't have to be, just tell me so I can make sure it will never happen again."

"You did." She whispered looking at the ground.

My fingers found her chin, guiding it up so she was looking me straight in the eye.

"I did this?" I asked, a sudden softness and regret in my tone.

She nodded, looking away, looking almost ashamed.

I pulled her tightly to my chest, stroking her hair softly, occasionally kissing the top of her head as we just stood there in silence for a few minutes. She didn't shy away from me and I needed her close right now. I couldn't imagine hurting her and the fact that I did tore me up.

"I'm so sorry." I repeated over and over again as I kissed the top of her head.

"Viv, what else did I do?" I whispered. I needed to know.

"You tried pouring whiskey down my throat, and you tried to kiss me, also your hands roamed a lot."

A blush formed on my cheeks when she said that I tried to kiss her and feel her up.

"I'm sorry beautiful."

"Just don't do it again." She sighed.

"I promise you, with everything I have, that I will never hurt you again."

She kissed my cheek, in an attempt to cheer me up.

"Well are you going to take me out or not Mr. rockstar?"

"Mr. rockstar?" I chuckled.

She nodded, raising her eyebrow.

"I like it." I smiled.

"Well come on, I need someone to drag around." She grabbed my hand, leading me out the door.

I chuckled, letting her drag me out and down the streets of LA, stopping anywhere that interested her.

"Denis you can ask for us to stop too! If you aren't having fun I won't be." She pouted to me.

"I'm having fun watching you." I kissed the tip of her nose gently, immediately making her smile and crinkle up her nose. She was adorable.

"Vivian? Denis?"  I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Denis? Please tell me that that isn't-"

"Your Dad." I finished her sentence, nodding.

He was standing there holding a man's hand as Vivian turned around.

"Vivian!" Her dad's eyes welled up with tears.

"Don't you dare cry." She stared at him.

"It's been three years, of course I can cry, give me a hug." He smiled, so happy to see her.

"Don't touch me." She backed up a step.

"Viv-" he sighed as I wrapped my hand firmly around her waist. Something was off.

"Are you two finally together?" Her dad asked.

"That's a personal question to asks someone who you didn't care to talk to for years." She glared. I had never seen Viv look this cold towards someone.

He sighed.

"Vivian, this is my husband."

His husband smiled at me, extending his hand for me to shake.

"I've heard such wonderful things about you." He smiled.

Vivian stared at his hand, I shook it, introducing myself.

"Well we must be going." Vivian said quickly, turning away, wanting to be as far away as possible.

"Vivian, if you ever want to talk, call me any hour of the day." Her dad said, he looked pained.

She tore out of Tim hold and began to walk quickly back to our place.

"Vivian!" I called after her repeatedly until I reached the room, sitting down onto the couch.

"Why were you so rude to him?" I asked, chastising her for her behavior.

"You don't know half of what happened Denis. So stay out of it." She glared.

"Then tell me exactly what happened. I will listen to anything you have to say."

"Are you sure? Because when he and my mom divorced, you quit talking to me. And when he got married, you were unreachable. And when my mother stopped caring about meals and cleaning house, causing me to take over for two years, where the hell were you? All I wanted was for you to listen to me, to talk to me. But you were living it up in Ukriane, as I was slowly killing myself all because that man left and broke my home, and now that I found a new family in You, Maddie, and the boys he can't just come waltzing back into my life, it can't work like that."

She started crying as she talked. I held her close as she cried into my chest.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I was hurting being away from you, and I thought that if I severed ties it would hurt us both less." He said, tears welling up in my eyes as well.

I loved her so much. And I would never lose her again.

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