Change it

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Private chat with DJ, Mila, and Lauser

Lauser: Dinah can you please change my name on this

DJ: no

Lauser: why?

DJ: because you and loser go well together

Mila: come on Dinah or else we won't give you a surprise in a week

DJ: a surprise!?!

Lauser: yep and we won't give you it or tell you what it is unless you change my name to Lauren

Mila: no! Change it to Lo

DJ: fine but just because i want the surprise

DJ changed Lauser to Lo

DJ: their happy?

Lo: very

Mila: I forgot to tell you the surprise is also for mani and ally

DJ: wow and here I'm thinking I was special

Mila: don't be like that I promise you will be happy...hopefully

Lo: don't worry camz

Mila: ok and Dinah can you tell mani and ally

DJ: ok Mila and we have to go get dressed for the 1D concert

Mila: on my way! I cant wait!

Lo: Me ether i'm on my way too!

Fifth harmony texts (Camren, Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now