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Chat between all the girls before the show

DJ: I can't believe we are actually doing this!

Mila: I can't eather I just hope I don't screw up the choreography

Allysus: you won't Mila lets just all do the best we can

Manibear: yeah what ally said lets just go out there and have fun

Lo: I can't do this

DJ: what!?!?

Allysus: Lo come on you can do this

Manibear: Lauren lets just go out there and have fun

Mila: guys I can't find her anywhere!

Allysus: what?! I'm on my way

Manibear: yeah same

DJ: be there in a sec...literally

Camila's POV

I can't find Lauren anywhere I hope she's alright we are on in a couple of minutes. Me and the girls have been looking for her but we can't find her

I desided to look at the crowd and boy there where a lot of people, kid, parents, family, but mostly people from our school

I was looking for a while untill I saw bright green eyes and I knew who they belonged to

I quickly ran to the girls "GUYS I FOUND HER!" I shouted and the all ran to me "WHAT WERE!?" Dinah yelled "she's in the crowd" they all looked at me and sighed and ally spoke up "I know why she doesn't want to perform" she said and I gave her a questioning look "what why?"

Ally sighed "yesterday I went to the girls bathroom and saw her crying in one of the stalls she told me that Kendal had told here that she should back off of you because apparently she likes you that's why she treats you like she does and also told her that she sand horrible "I was mad like REALLY mad with Kendal and confused on why she liked me but even if she does like me I'm in love with Lauren not her I don't even like Kendal not even a little bit

I suddenly got an idea "hey guys I'll be right back" they nodded and I went toward one of my favorite teachers mr. White and yes that is his last name, well I needed to ask him something "hey mr. White can I ask you something?" I explained the whole situation to him and he agreed to my plan he said that he will make time for us to do two performances he knew how much I love Lauren so he said yes

I went back to the girls "ok so I have an idea we will do two performances" "what? Mila we do t have another song but we will do it right?" She looked at ally and Dinah and they nodded "ok so the song will be for Lauren it's called Cool Kids" "oh I know that song! It's by......echosmith! " I nodded and then we heard our name we desided to go with Fifth Harmony, Lauren came up with the name by the way

We looked at each other and walked onto stage and people started to booing and yelling gaybello but some people where actually cheering

We sat down I can see Lauren she was staring at us I can tell she was worried but she looked also confused because we should be standing and with our tool belts on but we just had normal clothes on

I desided to speak up "hi hmm...we desided to sing a song for a friend and as some of you know my girlfriend this is for you Lo I love you"

People started to 'aww'

We adjusted ourselves on the chairs and started to sing

She sees them walking in a straight line, that's not really her style.
And they all got the same heartbeat, but hers is falling behind.
Nothing in this world could ever bring them down.
Yeah, they're invincible, and she's just in the background.
And she says,

Fifth harmony texts (Camren, Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now