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For the people that didn't know in the last chapter they where on a road trip

Lo: omg the road trip was so fun guys!

Mila: omg yeah it was funny when Dinah fell when the bus stopped

DJ: hey! It hurt

Manibear: don't make fun of my baby! Only I can do that

Allysus: anyways...Lo tell your thank you for letting us burrow the bus and for hiring that bus driver he was so nice!

Lo: sure allysus and the bus driver was really nice he didn't pay any attention when me and camz where...doing things

DJ: you nasties

Manibear: ^

Allysus: I forgot to bring was horrid😫

Manibear: poor ally

DJ: don't worry ally I put my music on full blast and I could still hear Lauren moaning...gross, is Camila that good in bed?

Lo: yesssssss

Mila: 🙈

Manibear: ok Dinah why did you ask that question?

DJ: I was just curious

Mila: I have an idea!

DJ: oh no...

Maninear: no affence but Mila all your ideas are not good

Allysus: hey let her speak! Continue Mila

Lo: ^

Mila: thank you ally and lolo, ok so you know how at our highschool their doing this talent show?

Lo: yes

Allysus: ^

Manibear: ^^

DJ: ^^^

Mila: ok well my idea was that we should do it!

DJ: what do you mean?

Mila: we should sing

Manibear: that isn't a bad idea but what if thy don't like us?

Allysus: yeah Mila we could be horrible

Lo: I think we should do it

Mila: YAY!

DJ: I'm in like what do we have to loose we are already a laughing stock at school because we are the nerds

Manibear: yeah your right...ok I'll be in it

Allysus: SAME!

Mila: ok so it's settled tomorrow at lunch I'll sign us up

Lo: camz but what song would we sing?

Mila: we will wright a song

Manibear: ok I'm down

DJ: same

Allysus: ok so when should we meet?  To start writing?

DJ: We can meet tomorrow after school?

Mila: yeah great!

Lo: ok so it's settled tomorrow after school

Fifth harmony texts (Camren, Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now