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Camila and Lauren private chat

Camz: happy anniversary!

Lo: happy anniversary Camz!

Camz: so today is the day we tell the girls huh?

Lo: yeah, now get ready we have a show to do today and afterwards I'm taking you out to eat and if we can't go out then we will stay in and watch a movie and order takeout

Camz: I would rather stay in if that's ok with you? I like being cuddled by your side and watching movies with you

Lo: whatever you want babe, now let's go set up for the concert

Camz: ok see you in a bit, bye and this past year has been the best year of my life and I'm glad that we found each other if not I don't know what I would do without you, I love you so so much Lo

Lo: aww Camz I feel the exact same way love you too😘

Camz: well we should go get ready bye😘

Lo: bye


Lauren's POV

Today was the day that we are going to tell the girls about our relationship and Im a little nervous but I don't know why because Dinah, ally, and Normani already have a ship name for us but I still feel a little nervous

We just finished school and decided to go to my house

As I get in the house I see Dinah standing in front of the door "JESUS CHRIST DINAH YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" I screamed at Dinah and she raises her eyebrow "you and Mila have a surprise for us remember now come on and tell us" she says with an excised voice

I get in the house with Camila behind me, I turn around to see camz "hey Camz it's time" I tell her "yeah I can only imagine their reaction" she said and chuckled

We went into the living room to see everyone already there "how the fuck did they get in here?". We made our way towards the girls

"Ok so what is it that you wanted to tell us" Normani said "ok well...don't freak out but-" I was cut off by Camila

"Me-and-Lauren-are-dating" Camila said but she said it so fast that no one understood "what? Mila slow down" ally said and I sighed

"Ok guys me and Camz are dating" I finally said and and Dinah turned to Normani "ha I told you! You owe me twenty dollars!" Dinah said and Normani rolled her eyes and gave her a twenty dollar bill

"Wait you guys betted on us?" Camila said "well yeah I totally knew you guys where dating, like you guys don't really expect me to not notice when Lauren tell me to switch places with her at school so that she can sit next to you, I see Mila staring at Lauren's lips or just at Lauren" me and Camila blush "so you guys are ok with us dating" I ask "yeah as long as you guys just started dating because I swear if you guys keept this from us for more that 3 months" she said and a looked at us and me and Camila looked at each other "actually today is our one year anniversary" Camila said "what! You mean to tell us that you kept this from us for a year!" Ally screamed and Camila and I ran up the stairs and into nut room locking the door

"Oh my god Lauren! Ally seems pissed" Camila tells me "yeah but good thing you can lock this door" I said

After thirty minutes tho it seemed like longer Dinah knocked on the the door "hey guys ally has calmed down you can come out!" Me and Camila looked at each other and got off my bed and opened the door

We walked down the hall and ally looked up "sorry for over reacting guys" she said "it's ok ally we get it we kept this from you guys for a year today" their eyes where filled with joy "guys I'm so happy for you!" Normani said "yeah who would have thought that Mila would actually find someone as weird as her" I smacked Dinah on the arm "hey! Camz is perfect and she could date anyone she wanted and I'm glad she chose me" "aww babe, I love you" Camila said and pecked me on the lips "I love you to" I said and we started in each other eyes until we heard Dinah clear her throat and we looked at her "you guys are literally so cute I can barf" she said "yeah guys you two are so cute!" Ally said "well we will leave you two to it" Normani said as she got up "yeah have fun" ally said walking out the door "yeah but not to much fun" Dinah said and winked at us.

"Dinah!" camila said as she started to walk towards her but dinah got out the door and closed it before camz could reach her.

We made our way to my room, the rest of the night we where watching movies, eating junk food, and cuddling

I really love this girl she is going to be the death of me


Hope you liked this chapter it was different than the others, tell me if you want more like these!

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