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Camila and Lauren's private chat

Camz: Lo I'm outside your house

Lo: ok on my way but when you see me don't freak out

Camz: why would I freak out? What happened?

Lo: you'll see when I come out, I'll be out in a sec

Camz: ok

Camila grew worried because she didn't know why Lauren would tell her to not freak out when she sees her...unless...no it couldn't have happened again, he changed...she made sure of it

She heard the door shut and Lauren with her head down and Camila frouned and got out of her car and walked towards her girlfriend

"Lo look at me" Lauren just shoot her head "Lo come on let me see" Lauren sighed and looked up and Camila gasped when she saw that she had a black eye and a bruised up face. "he said he changed" she said clutching her hand together "I thought that too" Lauren looked into Camila's eyes and saw that she had anger in them and worry and sadness "is he inside?" Camila said with anger in her voice "yeah but don't go inside" Camila didn't pay attention to her she just started to walk up to the door "camz no! Don't do anything stupid he isn't work it" Lauren said but Camila opened the door and starter to go towards the living room because she heard the tv on and when she saw him she screamed at him "YOU SAID YOU CHANGED! YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WERENT GOING TO HIRT HER AGAIN!" Camila screamed "yeah I know" Mike said as he took another sip of his beer and Camila saw that he wasn't even paying attention to him and that's when she snapped, she grabbed the beer in his and and threw it across the room "HEY!" Mike screamed and got up "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" He screamed "SO NOW YOU PAY ATTENTION!" Mike was now furious and was about to punch Camila and as he was swinging his hand got stopped by Camila's, you see Camila is a black belt in karatee, yes she is really clumsy but she know how to fight, when she had miles hand in hers she twisted his and and arm so it was now on his back and she pinned him down on the small table they had in the living room and Lauren was just standing their "Lauren go pack your bags you aren't living here anymore" Camila saw that Lauren wasn't moving to she raised her voice "Lauren now!" She said and Lauren nodded and went upstairs to pack her bags "HEY YOU CANT JUST TAKE MY DAUGHER LIKE THAT!" Mike screamed and Camila laughed "watch me" she said as Lauren was coming down the stairs with two bags and Camila let go of Mike and grabbed Lauren's hand and they ran out of the house and Camila unlooked the doors of her car and they both god in and as soon as Lauren was buckled in she drove off

"Lo we are going to my house so we can drop off your bags ok?" Camila said and Lauren nodded and Camila thought for a second "actually you aren't going to school" Camila said and Lauren looked at her "why?" She said "because look at you Lo you need to rest and I'm sure my mom will let you come live with us amd also let us stay home if she sees you like this" Lauren nodded "okay" she said and the rest of the car ride was silent

When Camila pulled up to her driveway she looked at Lauren "Lo everything is going to be alright ok? He isn't going to hurt you anymore" Camila said "thank you" Lauren said "for what" Camila said "for taking care of me and for doing what you did back their" she said and Camila smiled "come on we should go inside so you can rest" she said and Lauren nodded

We got inside and Camila's mom was sitting in the living room reading "hi mami" Camila said and she looked up and saw Lauren and gasped "Lauren are you ok?" She said "yeah I'm ok sinu" she said and Camila's mom went into the kitchen to get an ice pack "did he do this to you?" She said as she gave Lauren the ice pack "yeah" Lauren said "mami can Lauren live here?"Camila asked "of course she can stay in your room" sinu said "thank you and can you call the school saying she isn't going to be their today please" she said "yeah of course" she said. And grabbed her phone

Fifth harmony texts (Camren, Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now