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I'm lazy so Ima just have the chapters as numbers🙂
I didn't re read it for errors so...

Camila's POV

As soon as we walked into the school everyone started to clap, at first me and the girls where confused but then realized they where clapping for us

I can't believe this is real! Just last week we where the nerdy girls at school and now everyone is giving us all the attention and not Kendal for ones.

We kept walking and I saw Kendal starring at me then I saw her look at Lauren and her face changed to a disgusted one, I rolled my eyes and look at Lauren and she had a big smile on her face

Ones we got to Lauren and Dinah's first period class ally, Normani, and me went to or first class

The day passed my quick, it consisted of people asking us questions and asking to hang out but we all declined it.

I was walking out of school with Lauren next to me when Kendal approached us. "Hey Camila" she said and I just raised an eyebrow "oh wow you actually know my name!" I said sarcastically, "oh you know I was only joking around with you when I called you gaybello" she said with a smirk. "So how about you ditch this slut and come home with me" she said and I felt Lauren let go of my hand as Kendal got closer and closer to me. I quickly grabbed Lauren's hand again and stepped back, "Kendal you see I would go with you but you don't have green eyes and a hot as body and not to mention a nice personality like my girlfriend" I said and she had a blank face now "even if I wasn't dating Lauren you would be the last person I would go home with" I said and smirked as her face became red either anger "fuck you cabello!" she screamed as me and Lauren started to walk away "no thanks I already do that with my girlfriend!" I screamed back and put my middle finger up and I was walking with a smiling Lauren "thanks babe" she said and kissed my cheek, I stopped and grabbed her hand "Lauren I won't let anyone hurt you anymore either it be physically or emotionally I will protect you till we die...I promise" I said as I looked at her watery eyes I grabbed Lauren's face and pecked her lips and took her hand again and started to walk to my car.

Ones we where in the car Lauren turned to me "I love you Camila" she said I looked at her "I love you too Lauren" I said and grabbed her hand and kissed it

"More than you will ever know" I whispered     

Sorry I suck at updating😂

But I was bored and decided too write another chapter

Btw I changed Jadin to Kendal (don't ask why I just did)

Also I'm going to mexico!!!! It's my first time I go on a plane and the first time Ima meet the rest of my family and I can't wait!

Anyways her ya go this was a shitty update but 🤷🏽‍♀️


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