First Day

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Hey guys sorry about basically the entire story😂 I was in middle school when I wrote all of that and I know it's confusing but I'm a junior now so hopefully my writing skills have improved 😂 anyways this is the next chapter so I hope you enjoy!!!

Camila: guys wtf! This place is huge!!!

Dinah: I know right?! Wait why are we here so early in the morning tho?

Ally: so we can sign the contracts Dinah🤦‍♀️

Lauren: I question if you're mentally aware of things these days Dinah 😂

Normani: guys leave her alone! She had a....long night....

Lauren: Ew gross!!

Ally: Lauren! Get your head out of the gutter! Something could have been wrong with Dinah last night

Camila: .........

Dinah: ..........

Lauren: ..........

Normani: .......yeah it wasn't that ally......

Ally: oh...... EW


Camila: oh shush Lauren as if we haven't said things like that on the group chat before🤦🏻‍♀️

Lauren: ok ok ok that's true

Camila: say you're sorry

Lauren: I'm sorry.....

Camila: now that wasn't so hard right? ☺️

Dinah: umm....guys

Lauren: what's up?

Dinah: I'm kinda.....locked in somewhere....

Ally: what do you mean you're locked somewhere? Where??

Normani: Dinah I sweat if you make us late for this meeting there will be no cuddling today!

Camila: Dinah just tell us where you are so we can get you out

Dinah: that's the thing....I kinda got lost so I kinda don't know where exactly I am.....or Im what JANITORS CLOSET IM IN


Camila: Dinah how did you do that🤦🏻‍♀️

Dinah: well you see... I was walking around just...observing nice places to...hide.....and I might have locked myself in a janitors closet😅

Camila: ok Dinah forst off STOP TRYING TO SCARE US, second knock 3 times if you head a knock on the door


Lauren: yeah OKAY DINAH now listen to camz before we get to the meeting late

Normani: Dinah do you remember what was around??

Dinah: YES!! A small tree!!!

Ally: Dinah that doesn't help🤦🏻‍♀️ there are small trees in every corner of here

Camila: Guys I think I know where she is!!!

Lauren: finally!! We where about to be late😅

Lauren: Ok camz ally, normani, and I are gonna go to the office and tell Simon you guys will be there shortly bc some of us showing up is better than none 😂

Camz: Ok babe I'm almost to Dinah so tell Simon we will be there in 3 minutes tops!!!!

10 minutes later

The three girls where all sitting next to each other waiting for Dinah and Camila. They try to avoid eye contact with Simon because they know he's probably mad but ally being the nice one says "I'm so sorry Dinah and camila are late, you see -" Simon cur ally off saying "ok girls if Dinah and camila aren't here in the next...10 minutes this deal will have to be off."
Our eyes widened and we all grasped and huddled up, normani spoke up and said "ok girls we know Dinah is in a closet and camila said she was close to Dinah when we stopped texting, Lauren you try calling camila and Dinah while me and ally go knocking on every janitors closet ok?" They all agreed and told Simon they will be right back.

Ally and normani left as Lauren started to call Dinah and camila but neither of them picked up the phone which was confusing because camila always picks up the phone if it's Lauren.

As Lauren was searching through snap maps to see in what part Dinah and camila could have been, an incoming call from ally appeared on her phone. Lauren answered and immediately ally started rambling but Lauren couldn't understand so she asked ally to slow down for her, "ally I don't know what I'm the hell you are saying right now, slow down" ally took a deep breath and said "Lauren we're stuck in the closet" Lauren not completely understanding said "what? But normani is already out of the closet?....ALLY ARE YOU COMING OUT TO ME RIGHT NOW!??" Ally screamed "NO LAUREN IM NOT COMING OUT BC IM STRAIGHT" Lauren still confused said "oh? Then what do you mean you're stuck in a closet???" Ally not knowing what to say anymore handed her phone to camila in which camila said to Lauren "Lauren we are stuck in the janitors closet in the 2nd floor right now and we only have....(looks at the clock on ally's phone) FOVE MINUTES!!! NOW HURRY!! It's by a small tree!!!" Lauren sprinted for down the stairs realizing the elevator would be too slow and ran to second janitors closet on that floor, as she stopped by the door she look to her right seeing a very very small tree in the corner "oh, so it was a small tree" she chuckled and opened the door to see camila soaking wet with a bucket on her foot and Dinah with black oil all over herself while normani and ally had a broken mop and sweeper in their hands, "you know what" Lauren said "I'm not even gonna ask. But are you guys gonna stare at me all day because we currently have two minutes to get back to simons office to sign the contracts or there's no deal!!" All the girls ran as fast as they can, Dinah being covered in oil slipped ones or twice but they all got to the office as soon as Simon was about to get up "WERE HERE" camila yelled startling Simon. He looked at camila and Dinah then sighed and said "sit down" they all nodded and sat on the chairs around the rectangle table. Simon sat there looking at us for about a minute until he spoke up "ok girls here's the deal, I'm not gonna ask what all this is" as he points and a soaking camila and oily Dinah "but I will ask you this. Will you girls be fully committed to this new lifestyle you will have from here on out because let me tell you this, it will not be easy and it will not always go to your plan" all the Girls looked at each other to see if everyone was on the same page. Dinah smiles and said "yes we are fully committed" Simon smiled "great! Now all we need for you to do is sign  these papers and you should be good to go!" They all signed the contracts (Dinah leaving little drops of oil on hers) and said their goodbyes to Simon.

As soon as the girls left the office simons assistant came in giving him the signed papers of the girls parents, "great now can you call someone to replace that chair over there?" He said pointing to the oil stained chair Dinah sat on. His assistant nodded and left the office immediately calling someone to get rid of the chair. Simon sighed "these girls are going to be something else" he said as he rubbed his temple and laughed.


Hey guys!!!

It's been a while!

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully the ones to come too

Sorry it's been a while since I posted but I'll let you know I do read all the comments and I do listen! So leave sus gestiones in the comments of anything you want to see happen and I might just add it into the story!


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