Chapter 4

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"I'm not very good with computers."

The man I met just minutes ago smiles. He's the boss in stuff, I guess.

"You don't have to be good. Our job here is mainly to communicate with our army. Tell them where to go, what's happening with our enemies, etc." he pushes up his glasses for the billionth time.

"So we can see them fight?" Aira asks.

"Yes, there will be cameras."

Aira and I glance at each other. That means we will be seeing Lana and Paytah. Fighting.

The middle aged man, well, his name is Dr. James Nelson, gestures us to a large table with a map.

"We've located the bases of our attackers. There are four of them, because the elements will not fight together."

I examine the map. The water element is located in the southeast, around South Carolina. Although there are no states now, we still learned about them in school. I wonder up, to the East, around Maryland I think. That's where the earth element is. The fire element is in the southwest, around Arizona and Nevada. And finally, the air element is north; Minnesota and maybe Wisconsin.

And we're right in the middle.

"What if they all come to us at once?" Aira asks.

James, once again, pushes up his glasses, "I don't think they will right away, which is why we need to attack one right away. We take out one, there's only three. Plus, we doubt they will all attack, they aren't really working together. They are their separate armies."

"Do we have the numbers?" I ask.

"I'd say we are pretty even."

"What do we do now though, when we aren't attacking?"

James smiles. "You two really like to be busy. Well, the army is training, but often we look for intruders," James hands us a watch. "Put these on. When they beep, that's the signal to run down here as fast you can. But your daily check ins are after breakfast after lunch and after dinner. For now, you're free to go to your rooms."

We thank James and head to our rooms we were given. I go in Aira's room to hang out, since we really don't know what to do. I sit on her bed, putting on the watch while she looks in the closet.

"We have to wear these?" Aira takes out a white on white outfit, and it makes me laugh.

"That's ugly as hell."

"And don't forget these-" Aira takes out a pair of white sneakers, with strap ons instead of laces. She frowns at them.

"You one of those girly girls who wouldn't be caught dead wearing sweatpants?" I ask. She looks at me like I'm dumb. "Sweatpants are okay, but not with these shoes."

I laugh. "Seriously, though."

"I like clothes, if that's what you're asking. But I did play softball."


Aira nods, her blonde hair looking darker in this ugly light. She stops for a moment. "Isn't it weird how all four of us have been through so much together, but we overall don't really know anything about each other? I mean, you didn't know I played softball-"

"And that I'm a swimmer."

"You do have the swimmers body," she says. "But overall, we don't really know each other."

"Besides Lana being a loudmouth and Paytah a menacing mystery?" I say, and Aira laughs a little.

"Whatever they are, I care for them."

Whatever they are, I care for them. I ponder that. I start to think if I would ever die for Lana or Paytah or even Aira. Would I take a bullet for the girl who won't shut up and is always mean to me? Would I jump in front of a train for a guy who thinks I'm useless?

But then I think back. When I was stuck in that trap, and almost got killed. Paytah thought of a plan, Lana tried to make me calm, Aira blew the trap away. They saved my life.

I would do the same

I would tell myself why? I would think I'm crazy, but I'd do it. Cause to be honest, we're in this together.

Cause we are living proof that we need all four elements to survive.

Now we both sit on the bed, sitting in silence.

"Speaking of not knowing each other, do you know why Paytah's parents weren't there?"

She goes pale. ", I don't."

She must.

"Oh, I just saw you two talking, thought you would maybe know."

She shakes her head no.

I didn't know we were keeping secrets, Aira.

"He's a mystery. I mean, I can figure you and Lana out. Lana is obnoxiously outgoing, while you're shy but nice. Him? I-I don't know."

"We probably shouldn't judge."

Yup, she definitely knows something. And it bothers me.

"What do you think about this war?"she asks.

Way to change the subject.

"Kids will be reading it in their history books, that's for sure." I say. "Teachers will say: your assignment tonight is to read page 214-218 out of your textbooks. Write a paragraph about it for tomorrow."

"And most of the students will skim through it and not read it at all." Aira says. "I don't want it to be like that."

I smile. "Then let's make it worth reading."



So, sorry this chapter is SUPER short:(

Butttt, I hope you're enjoying it so far, even though there's not much action so far.

**I know I asked in book 1 who your favorite character was, but I wanna know; who is your favorite character? And why? I just wanna know what everyone thinks about the characters😊 so feel free to comment who you like, and maybe even dislike! ***

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