Chapter 6

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"I seriously can't stop laughing at this ridiculous outfit," I say as I see Juris in those hideous white strap ons. He looks down and clinks his shoes together.

"It's comfy, that's got to count for something," he says, but I shake my head and smile.

We head back to the computer room after dinner. Our daily check ins only last about five minutes, because there's really nothing for us to do. We go back to the now empty cafeteria and sit at one of the tables.

"We're sitting here doing absolutely nothing to help, while Lana and Paytah are out training like no other for all of us." Juris says.

"We don't really have any training to do," I say, but Juris still seems irritated.

"I guess I'm just used to constantly being on the lookout, you know?"

"I know." I say, because I do. These last few weeks have been nothing but constant. 

"It's just...I don't know. Weird now, you know?" Juris asks. He sighs when I don't answer. "It just feels like we all need to be together."


"All four of us were with each other for so long, you know. And now it-I don't know, feels strange. Like we need to be there to keep them safe. That we all need each other."

"I understand." I say, because I truly do. Having Lana and Paytah missing has been nothing but weird.

"Maybe we could see them."

"Doubt it. Gale seemed pretty strict." Juris shrugs.

"But would she say no to us?" I ask, and his eyebrows raise. "You got a point there."

We both are about to start walking till a small but ear-popping beeping rings in arms. You would think the sirens went off, but Juris and I both look at our watches and see them blinking red.

"Shit." Juris mumbles, but I'm already running past him.

"When they beep, that's the signal to run down here as fast you can." James said that to us. The beeping means danger.

Juris is right. Shit.

He's right on my heels all the way. I open the door and see everyone running around, getting to their computers and papers flying around. I spot James in the mess and go up to him.

"What's going on?" I spit out, my voice shaky. James runs a hand through his hair, looking at us.

"We spotted some movement from the north-"

"That's the air element." Juris says, and James nods. "They are coming fast, especially when our army is just beginning to form. But we warned them and they are preparing." James walks and we follow him to two chairs with screens in front. "Here is your station. You will be monitoring the cameras, and also you are assigned to talk to a squad leader in each squad. They will have an earpiece and will hear you. Just put that earpiece on and you will hear them too. Since Lana and Paytah are squad leaders, you will each have one of them to help."

Lana and Paytah are squad leaders? The look on Juris's face is like mine, but we both get seated. I put my earpiece in and stare at the cameras. There's about nine different screens to look at.

I take a big breath. Calm down Aira. This is war. You will see killing. But it's war.

It's war. Caused by me. And to top it off, it's my element.

"They are in range! It's time!" I hear James yell, and everyone gets seated and settled.

I watch the screens, which are now beginning to be filled with people. Groups of five in camouflage uniforms run together, spreading apart among the land. They all hold their guns tight, some looking confident while other look like they don't know how to shoot a gun. And the worst part; I see little kids.

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