Chapter 10

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It was all off when I saw Paytah go back into the building.

"Paytah, don't." I say, knowing that him going back I there will not be good.

"You get your wish, you dicks!" Paytah yells, and as he runs up, that's where the chaos begins. I sit there, not believing what's happening in front of me is actually real. It all happens so fast. I see Jazz, the little girl, being thrown towards the stairs.

But I never see Paytah leave.

"We did get our wish." I hear an unfamiliar voice, but then I hear a girls voice telling them to wait. My minds a blur, but when I hear those words, it all clicks.

"He's one of the four."

I see one of them beating Paytah up, and I hold in a scream. On the other screens, I see people running back into the helicopter, leaving.

Leaving Paytah behind.

And I can only imagine what it will be like to have one of the four being in their hands.

"Paytah! No!" I didn't know how loud I was, how much I was sobbing. All I can hear is Paytah telling me that we still have to go, even if that means without him.

And then he rips his earpiece out. Ripping my heart along with it.

Juris is in front of me, asking if I'm okay, but all I do is sob. The screen goes black, everyone in the room stares.

"T-they-" I don't think I can say it, but Juris's worried face makes me speak.

"They h-have Paytah."

"Shit." I hear James say under his breath,and he immediately runs to the phone, calling someone. 

I want to shrink, I want to get away, and Juris grants my wish. He guides me out of the room so we're out the door.

"Aira, it's okay, we are going to figure it out-"

"They are going to kill him." Is all I say, and I see him hesitate.

"You know it too." I sob, wiping my eyes, but it's pointless.

"Maybe he'll get away-"

"They have him in their hands, you dipshit!" I yell, and that's when James walks out the door and grabs my arm. "Hey, Aira, this way."

I follow James and leave Juris there, not apologizing. I should, it's stupid for me to be mad at him.

But at least he's here.

Maybe they already killed Paytah. Or maybe they are sparing him another day. I want to think that it's good, but at the same time I want him to die quickly, if there's going to be a lot of pain.

Because Paytah has never had a decent life.

I wipe my tears once more when James opens the door and I see President Jackson there, her face filled with concern.

"Aira, have a seat." She says, her voice making me shiver. I do as she says.

"So, I got a call from James that the water element has Paytah..."

My throat closes in, but I let out a nod.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions-"

"There's no time for questions, we have to go get him." I blurt out. Jackson sighs. "I'm afraid we can't go right at the moment. It's very dangerous out there."

"But he's one of the four!" I say, not exactly knowing if that's really important, but it's worth a shot. All she does is stare.

"Lana, Juris and I are not the four without Paytah. You want all the elements together. Without all of the elements together, we are weak. How are us three supposed to show our power when one is gone? We have to get him, at least try."

"Aira, I understand what you are saying," Jackson begins, "but this is war. We can't all risk our lives going back to get one person-"

"This one person saved my damn life, saved all of our lives!"

"And he will continue to do so." Jackson says calmly. I hold in a breath, trying so hard to stay calm, to not curse her to death. Instead, I relax.

"Then I'm going to get him."


"You can't make me stay here." I say sternly, and Jackson sits back in her chair.

"This war is going to end soon."

"I don't care." I say, and she almost smiles. "Well, I guess I can't make you stay."

Paytah was right. This group, these people..something is off.

"Think about it though," Jackson says, "you and the other two, I'm assuming they'll go, against the rest of the world. I want you to think about that."

Hasn't it always been us against the world?

Paytah also called that, too.

"Hanson put us through hell and back, there's no way I'm letting one my best friends go this easily."

"Hanson did it for the good of the people-"

"Hanson doesn't give a damn about people. You don't give a damn either." I say, standing up. "That's why you're just letting all these people die, even your own people." My hands start to shake, then my whole body, then my voice.

Stupid anxiety attacks.

I walk to the door, looking calm and confident until I close the door behind me.

Then I lose it.

A scream forces it way out, but it's somehow silent. I run, trying to get away from...


I always had anxiety. I took pills and went to a therapist for almost two years. It was always something that was in me. These past months have really tested my sanity. But then I realize my friends-these three people were my sanity. They were the ones who kept me going.

Paytah is the pill. Paytah is the therapist.

And now I need to go back and get him.

I continue to shake, but take a big breath and find Juris. He hasn't moved since I cussed at him. He looks at me with wide green eyes. He see's it. He knows whatever is happening is not good.

"Whatever you want to do, I'm with you." Juris says.

"We're leaving."




Sorry this chapter kinda sucks, I just wanted to post another chapter!

Still please vote, comment, and enjoy!

Thank you :)


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