Chapter 16

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Jasper was nice to let us stay at his place for the night.

Too nice for my taste.

Sure, maybe he's lonely. He's been spending the whole time telling us his story. How his family hated the idea of elements staying together, but since he watched us four get along, he thought there was nothing wrong with it. Then raiders came in his town, shooting anyone on spot. That's what sent him in the woods. He ran away, at the time not thinking about his family or anyone else.

"I wasn't sure who to come back to. I didn't know the exact location of where your base is. And going back to my home wasn't an option. So, here I am."

We all smile at Jasper as he shares. It's sad, truly, that he left his family, that he'll probably never see them again.

I was afraid that he would blame it all on us, but not once does he say anything like that.

"You could still go back to our base, but I don't even think they care about us." Lana says.

"I think I'll just wait it out," Jasper says, "besides, I've just gotten to get used to this place."

"It is very nice." Aira says, munching on a rabbit leg.

It's silent for a while. It's getting dark out, and I'm surprised Aira and Lana aren't trying to leave soon. I'm suspicious. Not just because of that, but also because Lana and Jasper were talking for a while when they were getting water cups. I'm overthinking, of course, because who can you trust? I just don't want Jasper saying anything to Lana that'll change anything. Even though he sounds like he's real, you never know.

"When do you think it'll end?" Jasper spits out.

We all sit in silence.

"Until it's all destroyed."

We all look at Aira, who's eyes are watering. She keeps her gaze at the fire, not at all glancing up at us.

"What?" I ask.

"Until this world is destroyed," Aira repeats, like I actually didn't hear her.

Oh, but I did.

"There's no way this war will end. How can there be a winner? If we win, people will still hate the other elements. If they win, the others will never go back home. The war will end once everything in this world will die. The killing-it'll never stop. Not until one side is totally gone."

I've never heard Aira talk about this kind of stuff so easily. She's not the type to think about dying, and how that's the only answer.

Now this scares me.

Aira. Innocent, nice, cheerful. Hearing those words come out of her mouth frightens me. She's changing, and I don't even think she can help it.

"I'm getting real tired. Let me show you your beds." Jasper changes the subject. We all get up, and I expect Aira to start crying or losing it...


Lana looks at me, and I stare back at her worriedly. 'Do something', I imagine Lana telling me, but I can't find anything to say. I usually do, I always find something to say.

Hell, we're all losing it.

Jasper shows us our beds that he made, and we all get settled. I watch as Aira lays down and immediacy turns on her side to sleep.

Again, not like her. Usually she would be too worried to sleep. She usually worries about Paytah.

"Take care of her." Lana whispers so quietly only I can hear it.

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