Butterscotch and Boats

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When we finally got off the train, I began, one again, the search for my brother. Luckily for me, I actually found him this time. He was already in a boat with another boy.
He had messy black hair, but I couldn't see his face, since he was in a conversation with Ron.
     "There you are Ron! I've been looking everywhere for you!" I exclaimed as I climbed into their boat.
"You've been looking everywhere for me?!" He replied. " You're the one you left me!"
"I-I was following Percy. He was hanging out with his friends though, so I..."
" Of course you were with Perce. But you could of at least waited, I am your...your twin after all." 
I felt my face flush with shame. Because one, I knew he was right, as much as I didn't want to admit it. And two, the boy with messy hair was staring at the two of us, not sure what to do. I noticed now his eyes were bright green, a colour I'd wanted when I was younger.
"Oh... I'm sorry about that..... Um... I'm Rin Weasley, this twits's twin if you haven't gathered. What's your name?" I questioned now turning to green eyes.
Ron glared when I said "twit" and when he tried to argue, I elbowed him in the gut, allowing green eyes to speak.
"I'm Harry." He finally says.
"Well hello Harry. Again, I'm really sorry about that. And I'd like to say I love the colour of-"
"He's not just Harry! He's Harry Potter!"
"Now Ron, you know it happens to be considered rude to interru- wait... Did you say Harry Potter?!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening like saucers. "Oh- oh my bloody butterscotch! I can't believe it! You defeated You-Know-Who when you were a baby! I've admired you since I was old enough to speak. You must be so powerful!  Oh bloody butterscotch this amazing..."
"Sorry about Rin." Ron said, " she's a bit mental at times."
I elbowed him again, this time nearly knocking him off the boat.
"Hey! You could've killed me! Charlie said there's big monster in the lake!"
"Oh, speaking of monsters, Fred told me that we have to fight troll for the sorting. Do you think I'll be able to kill it? I hope so, but it does seem a bit unfair to have muggle borns fight a troll. They don't have any experience with magic. They'll be absolutely terrified." I rambled. I looked over at the two boys. They had both paled a bit, which I found awfully funny. I decide only to tease Ron about it though, I don't know Potter well enough yet.
" Are you scared Ron? You should know better than that! After all, no one should trust anything Fred says, or George for that matter." I laughed.
After they both calm down a bit, we talk for few more minutes, then a castles comes into view. Hogwarts castle to be specific.
"It's beautiful...." I say in awe. I notice the other two are amazed just as much
as I, Potter being even more so.
"I guess this is it boys, Hogwarts."

Hey peoples! Sorry I didn't update in forever! I was suuuuuppppppperrrrr busy! I'll try to update again soon, Kk? And sorry it's a bit short... I'll try harder! Byez! ~AnotherRone

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