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   I woke up earlier than the other girls. Olivia was drooling a bit and her blankets lay in a scrambled mess on the floor. Giggling, I opened my trunk to retrieve my clothing and headed to he bathroom.
    As I pulled on my socks, I realized everything had been embroidered with green and silver, and my cloak beheld the slytherin crest.
   After brushing my teeth and other necessities, I turned to my fiery mess of waves and curls. I spent at least a millennium struggling to pull my comb through it, with no avail.
   The door opened suddenly and a girl entered, most likely one of my roommates I had failed to meet the night before. She was tall and pale, with chestnut colored hair pulled into curlers. Her eyes were deep set, and stormy grey. Her thin lips pulled into a smile upon seeing me.
"Do you need help with that?" She asked walking over to me in two steps with her long strides.
I rubbed the back of my neck in slight embarrassment.
"Um, yes actually, that would be nice. Thank you."
      She ran her fingers through my hair smoothly, and I sighed quietly. It felt so good, like I had taken a draught of peace.
"Goodness you're like a puppy. What's your name sweetie?"
Blushing furiously, I stuttered, " M-My name is Rin. Thanks for helping me with my hair! I couldn't seem to get it to behave today..."
"Oh, well I'm Wendy Smith. Took my muggle mother's name because my Father is a deadbeat, cheating, man-whore, or that's what mum says at least. And it's not a problem, my half sister Christy has hair kinda like yours. She's a muggle of course though, which is rather upsetting since she'd be a brilliant witch. But there's nothing to be done of it, we can't help that her blood just isn't enough. "
"Oh well um..." I muttered "thanks."
"I already said you're welcome."
"Butterscotch that's right, oops ..." silently I tried to slip out the door. Tall people make me awful nervous.
"Wait just there a moment." She said, halting me and turning her head away.
"I helped you, so now help me with my tie."
I walked over to her, and tied it for her.
"You don't know how to?"
"I've never had to, all women in my house."
"Ah, well I have more brothers than I can count, love them all dearly of course."
"Of course. I couldn't stand your house then, I don't really like men."  She whispered in distaste.
"Ah, well all done, it was nice meeting you Wendy!"
"A pleasure, I'll see you at breakfast! "
I re-entered the main room. To see Olivia just waking up. Our other roommate was still fast asleep.
"Should we wake her up?" I did turning to Olivia.
"Tweed syrup what?" She muttered tiredly, her deep eyes barely blinking open.
"Oh never mind." I went over to the girl still asleep. Dirty blonde, pin straight hair concealed her face.
She jumped up suddenly as I went to tap her shoulder.
"Don't touch me!" She nearly screamed grabbing the closest item to her, a pillow, and holding it to her face.
"I beg your pardon? I was just trying to make sure you weren't late for class..." I moved the pillow from her face to see a girl with gaunt cheeks and bluebell eyes, dark crescents mooning beneath them.
"Oh, I thought you ..." she mumbled the rest of the sentence incoherently. "Never mind that though, I'm Rilian bye the way. Rilian blutaunt. "
"Ah, I'm Arinelle Weasley."
"Oh so you're the blood traitor. I can't believe I'm rooming with you, but I suppose you can't be that bad seeing as you are slytherin."
I was taken aback by her snobbery. It reminded me of someone...
"Well I can't wait to be friends!"
"Oh Merlin no, we can't be friends. You're tolerable at best, Weasley."
"Oh shut up Blutaunt!" Olivia said, clearly awake, probably from Rilian's shriek. " Don't get so high and mighty, we all know that your great grandmother is a muggle."
Olivia and Rilian kept arguing back and forth with insults about each other's families, and I quickly left down to breakfast.
    Admittedly, it took me back slightly by Rilian's prejudice. Sure I knew it existed, clearly with the malfoys, but I figured maybe they were an extreme case. Besides, mg family is technically our blooded, and we weren't filled with so much hate. I guess that's why they called us bloodtraitors. And we may be that, but we would never betray our blood. We wouldn't ever betrah each other.

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