Accepting Slytherin

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The Slytherin table burst into monotone applause at my sorting. There were no hoots or cheering from them. I was disheartened slightly at my dull welcome. But what was I expecting expecting? A standing ovation? That would be silly. I am a Weasley, and they are Slytherins. Well, I guess it's not they anymore, it's we.
I sat near the end of the table, facing the Gryffindors in hopes to get some consolation from my brothers. Before o could look at them I heard Ron's name being called to the hat. "Gryffindor!" The hat shouted. The table I faced burst into wild applause. Fred and George stood and whistled. I even found myself clapping with them. All the slytherins were staring at me. Ever so slowly, I placed my hands into my lap, embarrassed. The second I did It, regretted it. Ron is family, he's my twin for goodness sake. Whose cares what those Slytherins think, blood is thicker than water after all!
     The sorting soon ended and we were hearded towards our dorms. We were led down dark and dank stairways, that moved at random. We finally came to dead end, a stone wall lay In front of us.
"Are we lost?" One of Draco' friends.
The older Slytherin who was leading us ignored him.
"This is the commons entryway. The password this week is Felix Felicis. Don't forget it or you'll be locked out, and don't expect anyone to just let you in because you were being an idiot. Now the password changes weekly so be sure to keep track. The new one should be posted in the commons."
The leader muttered the password and the wall slid away to yet another passage.
  Draco shoved his way next to me and muttered, "Good thing the password is the luck potion. You're going need it. You're going to wish you never came to Hogwarts when I'm through with you Weasley."
"Oh shove off Draco." I replied and walked quickly ahead of him, not wanting to have to deal with him and his discouragement.
  The passageway opened up into a large room. The floor was stone, and the ceiling was high and covered in silver, swirling designs. The walls were painted green, with grey crowning. Raging fireplaces were on either side of the room, with plush leather couches and armchairs around them. Desks and even more couches stood in the corners. A black table was in the middle, with a large silver Serpent etched into it. Two stairwells led upwards at the far end of the common area. Between them was a grand portrait of older man with long pitch colored hair and a beard.
The leader explained that the stairwells led to the dorms and that the girls went to the right and boys to the left.
I hurried to the right and found a hall of doors. Each door was dark and wooden. A silver plate was on each with four names carved into the metal. I found the door with my name and entered. There were two beds on each side of the room, with a chest in front and a little table beside each. The far wall had  three tall windows with a little bench like thing in between. With further inspection I realized the windows looked out below the lake. Fish and other creatures swam by. I got on the the bench and squished my face against the glass, in awe by all the sea life. Suddenly a large tentacle racked across the window, making me just back and fall off the bench.
"Are you okay?" A high pitched voice questioned from the doorway.
"Uh, yeah," I said getting up, "just getting aquatinted with the floor."
I turn around to see the girl behind me. She was pretty, with long black hair in a braid. A strand of her hair was pulled aside with an expensive looking  butterfly clip. Her eyes were just as dark, and her skin only a few shades lighter. 
"There's really no point in that," the pretty girl laughed, "the floor is beneath us."
As I neared he I realized she was at least two inches taller than I. I pouted slightly.
"Well my name is Olivia Amithor. You must be my roommate. The other two are downstairs talking. They're rather annoying, but nice enough."
I smiled at Olivia.
"Your name is pretty. I'm Rin Weas-"
"Ohhh! The bloodtraitor everyone was talking about. Dear me, what would my mum think. Friends with a bloodtraitor, she'd be abhorred."
"We're friends?" I asked surprised and excited at the same time.
"Well aren't we?" She replied, pausing.
"Oh, right. I'd love that." I gave her a toothy grin as she began talking again.
" I guess it's not as bad as the mudblood I befriended on the train. Oh mum is going to be furious as I am at her."
"What did she do wrong?" I asked, though her mother probably didn't do anything wrong. Mothers are always right according to my mum.
"She wouldn't let me bring my baby."
"Your baby?" I questioned, taken by confusion. She was far too young to have a child.
"Oh my broom. It's beautiful. The most recent nimbus and in tip top condition. I was going to be the first first year chaser in like forever!"
"You could do that?"
"Are you doubting my skills? I'm an outstanding chaser."
"Of course not. I'm just saying it'd be terribly difficult."
"Well I knew that, but now it's practically impossible without my baby."
   The conversation continued for what seemed like hours, with her doing most of her doing most of the talking. We talked about everything to do with quiditch and candy, her two favorite things. She pulled out bags and bags of honeydukes candies. There was everything from chocolate frogs to pepperimps. As we devoured the candies, sugar rush hit and then just as quickly, sugar coma. We'd fallen asleep before our other roommate could even climb the stairs.
Before sleep came I thought of my new friend. She seemed genuine enough, and she was fun. Maybe slytherin wouldn't be so bad.
Besides, I still had my family.

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