The Boy on the Train

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I look at the brick wall in unease as Percy ran towards it.
I'd seen him do this one thousand and ten times before, but I was still bloody terrified he'd break open his face.
Not surprisingly, he makes it through just fine, as he had in past years.
"Can I go next?" I asked, excited to get to Hogwarts, and wanting ever-so-badly to get this part over with.
"Go ahead Rin." Mum replied, coming over to hug me goodbye. "Remember to write, dear. I love you."
"Bye Mum! Bye Ginny!" I exclaimed, gripping my cart.
I ran quickly towards Platform 9 3/4. I almost immediately began to regret my decision as I became inches from the wall. I tried to stop, but ended up tumbling through the wall, landing on the floor next to Percy. He chuckles and helps me up.
I suddenly found myself, once again, on the ground. A heavy weight crushing me.
I shoved the weight off, and got on my own two feet.
I looked down to see Fred lying on the floor, laughing.
I laughed, turning around to look at the train. It was magnificent. A deep red colour, a shade or two darker than the roots of my hair.
I noticed Percy getting onto it, and ran after him. I followed him though it, to compartment filled with students much older than I. Percy's group of friends.
" I-I'm going to find Ron..." I stuttered, feeling awkward around the elder group. Percy nodded, then proceeded to greet his friends.
Quickly, I left the compartment, traveling aimlessly to find my twin.
My efforts proved unsuccessful, as I never found him. Nor could I seem to find an empty compartment. I sighed in defeat.
I looked around again, trying this time to at least find another first year to sit with. This time, I did not fail, and found a compartment with a single boy in it. He had platinum blonde hair, greased back, with pale skin and light eyes. He seemed awfully annoyed.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" I questioned. "I can't seem to find my brother."
He nodded in return, and glanced at the door, where I was a second ago. I guess he's waiting for someone, a friend, or a sibling maybe.
" I'm Rin." I say offering him my hand.
"Last name?" He asked, finally meeting my gaze.
I smirk.
"Why should I tell you? I don't even know your first."
He rolled his eyes, and shakes my waiting hand.
"Draco, and I won't tell you my last name until I know yours. So, what is it?"
" I'm not going to tell you." I say smiling.
I notice him glance at the door again.
"Are you waiting for someone?"
"Well, aren't you nosy. And yes, I'm waiting for my friends. I suppose they can't find me. No surprise though, they are a bind of dolts."
I laughed at his answer.
"And your not going to try to find them? "
"No, why on earth would I do that? I'd be a waste of time. "
"And talking to me isn't?" I ask.
" I guess we'll just have to see, won't we?"
" I guess we will."
Through the whole train ride, his idiotic friends never show their faces. So me and Draco talked the whole time. I found he was going to be a Slytherin, or at least he thinks as much. He seemed irked that I wanted to be in Gryffindor. He spent at least an hour trying to convince me that it wasn't a good idea. Finally, I opened up to the idea of Slytherin, even though I knew my parents would despise it. We talked of other things to, like favorite subjects, and quidditch. We even compared wands. He said mine was awfully girly. I found that funny, seeing as Mr.Ollivander said that it was meant for dark magic and the like.
Draco laughed quite a lot when he found it was named Syca. I tried to tell him I didn't name it, but he didn't want to listen.
We had begun a conversation about our opinions on muggle borns, and it was getting rather heated.
"We should probably go change into our robes, the trains should be getting to Hogwarts soon."
He sighed, realizing that I said this just to stop something that could turn into an argument.
"Right. Well, we'll arrive by the time were done. I'll see you at the Slytherin table when we get sorted. Bye Rin."
"Bye Draco. I'll see you later, no matter the house I get sorted into."
He rolled his eyes and left to change.
I smile on my way. Time with him I the future will definitely have its ups and downs, but I think I just made a friend.

Thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm sorry that I took a while to update, but I wasn't sure what to write.... But I got this! I know at least what to do in the next chapter. Vote please! And comments are definitely appreciated. Thanks!
~ AnotherRone

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