"Family" drama

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(Before I start, I'm looking for someone to make a cover for this story! You will get your own character put in the story. Thank you!! ❤️)

Me and the girls made our way down the stairs, honestly half asleep still, especially Rillian who who's eyes drooped with the sand of sleep.
As we made our way through the hallways, chatting about classes, for our timetables were given to us before we left the common room, we passed a group of first and second year slytherin boys chatting near a windowsill. I noticed a certain blond among them and walked a little faster, nearly bumping into Olivia. He was laughing haughtily, then stopped suddenly and smirked as his grey eyes met my blue. The whole encounter felt like a hurricane of tension but lasted only a second as we passed the group.
Once clear of the boys Rillian let out a giggle.
"Did you see the blonde one look at me? I think his name is Malfoy, he's been to my family's estate a few times but it's been years. Father would be proud of me for catching his attention."
"Oh come on Rillian," Olivia chided, "he wasn't looking at you, I saw him look straight at Rin."
Rillian scowled and looked away from Olivia, walking ahead of our group.
"Oh can't handle the truth Blutaunt? It's not my fault Rin gets more attention than you." Olivia says, taking long strides towards Rillian.
The blonde turned sharply to look at Olivia.
"No it's not your fault, just like it's not my fault that your sister is whore and got pregnant and kicked out of Hogwarts her 5th year. Maybe you'll learn from her mistakes..." she looked over Olivia," ... but probably not."
Olivia bit her lip and stepped back, nkt looking up from the ground.
We continued that way for what seemed like a millennium, with only the clicking of our shoes and the chattering if paintings to save us from complete silence.
"Well, that just went swimmingly." Wendy pipes in. " but let's not start fights over petty things like boys, they're not worth it."
Everyone stayed silent.
"Oh come on, Rillian get back here, and Olivia look up."
Begrudgingly, the two girls oblidged. I noticed tears in Rillians eyes. It seemed silly really, but I've actually cried over spilled milk before, granted I was four, but who was I to judge.
"We're a family," Wendy continued, griping the girls hands. "Well, family enough, we're living together. Point is, we're going to need to stick together if we want to not completely go insane our first year. Woman up, don't be petty, and get along."
Rillian nodded and Olivia just looked away.
"Maybe you guys should talk things out, apologize," I peep, Rillian jumps as I say this, as if she had forgotten I was there.
"Uh, I suppose so" she sighed. " come on Olivia, let's go back to the commons, we'll miss breakfast but Wendy seems to think this is important.
"Fine," Olivia says as they walk away ." And we won't miss breakfast... I have a Um friend who can help us there..."
Me and Wendy continue onwards and into breakfast. As we sit down, the room is fairly empty, and none of my brothers were in sight. Knowing them, they were most likely all asleep. Even Percy, he probably stayed up all night reading his textbooks or something like a total dork.
Me and Wendy sat in the middle of the slytherin table. Grabbing plates.
I wasn't very hungry personally, I had never been known to eat an excessive amount, Ron usually ate my extras. I grabbed my goblet of water and some beans and toast. Wendy was stuffing her face with pancakes and jellies. Rambling through bites about how staying together was beneficial to all of us and something about sisters before misters.
Wendy finally swallowed her food.
"And over that boy! I haven't met him but I heard he's a total twat!" She said, throwing her hands up.
I laughed at her statement. " that's a nice way of putting it Wendy, he's mean hearted and cruel, but I suppose that's how he was raised... he's really sweet besides that."
"Oh dear gosh Rin, please don't tell me you have a crush on him!! I don't need this kind of drama."
"Of course not!" I blubbered awkwardly.
"Okay good, men are pigs." Wendy said before she went back to filling her face.

A/N- Sorry for not updating in so long!!!!!! I have been super busy with college and figuring out sexuality and stuff bleh. Love you alll ❤️❤️ let me know what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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