Ollivanders wand shop

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I never liked traveling by Floo. The powder made me all sneezy. Ron laughed whenever it happened, since according to him, my sneezes sound like a bird allergic to their own feathers. Not that I would know what that sounds like, but I don't question him.
"So, mummy dear, where to first?" I asked Percy.
He sighed at the nickname I gave him and pointed to Ollivanders. You see, mum usually puts him in charge of me, since she's really busy, and Percy more responsible than the other set of twins in the family. Today, of course, was one of those days, with mum helping the twins with their supplies.
I quickly dragged Ron and Percy towards the wand shop. I was really excited to get my own wand. Though sadly, Ron won't be getting one, he's getting a hand-me-down from Charlie. I would've gotten one of those too, but they reacted very badly to my touch. To put it simply, mum's favorite vase had to be put back together.
As we entered the shop, I stood in awe at a vast amount of wands surrounding me. Yes, it was old, and dusty, but you could practically feel the power the wands emitted.
Ron, on the other hand, looked less then impressed, he stood rather grumpily to side, probably upset about not getting a new wand as well. An old man, with white unkept hair, who I assumed was Mr.Ollivander, entered in through the back room. He gave us a kind smile.
I grinned in return, and followed by elbowing Ron in the side for ignoring the man. He quickly glared at me, before smiling at him.
"You come come for I gather?" Mr.Ollivander asked.
"Yes sir, me and my brother here are attending Hogwarts this year, but he's already got a wand, so it's just me. He walked over to us, bringing over a measuring tape.
"Oh yes, Hogwarts is a good school. What's your name?" He said, beginning to measure my arms.
"Arinelle Weasley" I replied, feeling the need to be formal, and using my real name instead of just Rin.
"Ah yes a Weasley, I remember your brother Percy here getting his wand, Yew 14 inches, unicorn hair core. Quite a bright young man he is."
I watch as Mummy Percy straightens up a bit at being mentioned. He has such a big head. I doubt he'd be able stand if his head were actually big as it is metaphorically.
"Dominant hand?"
"Right." I reply. I was actually ambidextrous, but I liked to use my right hand mostly.
Mr. Ollivander straightens up. He had to bend Dow quite a bit to reach me. I am pretty short, only 4'6". Mum claims I'll grow big and tall if I drink all my milk , but I don't believe her. Besides, I hate milk.
I look up to see Mr. Ollivander looking through some wand boxes. He pulls out one and brings it over. It's a pretty dark brown, with a bulbous handle and covered in golden swirls.
"Ivy, 12 1/2 inches, dragon heart string. "
He hands it to me and as soon as my fingers touched it, Wanda flew off of the shelves. He said a quick incantation, then returned to looking.
He tried 5 other wands, all very pretty, and all ending disastrously for the wand shop.
He paused for a moment in deep thought. He returns to the backrooms, then comes back with a dusty white wand box. Opening it, he reveals one of the pretties wands I've ever seen.
It's ashy white with a dark reddish tip. The end is in the shape of a rose head, flecked with the red wood. There are tiny rainbow like gems falling in lines down the body and forming a twisting pattern at the tip.
I stared at it in awe.
"This is one of the oldest wands I've made. It's 10 1/2 inches, Phoenix feather core. Though... I was being experimental and tried something new. I used two woods, maple and rosewood. Infused together. I also added the gemstone opal. It's said to be an unlucky stone."
I looked at him uneasily, I actually had decent luck, and is like to keep it that way. Seeing my reaction, he quickly added.
"That's just a myth dear, just a myth. However, there is another thing. The wand, as well as its master, will be especially skilled in charms, jinxes, and .... Curses. More specifically ones used for getting information, and... Torture." His gaze was heavy on me, and I gulped. This couldn't be the wand for. I would never purposely hurt someone. Well...not too much anyways.
"Oh, and I liked to call it Syca, if that's of any use to you." My spirits became a little less burdened at that comment. It was a bit silly.
I then reached towards the wand, taking it gently out of the box. I could feel it's magic surge through me as I held it. Giving it a little flick, a silver light swirled around me, a small breeze blowing though.
Mr. Ollivander gave me a regretful gaze.
"This is the one."
I nodded in reply.
"Now dear, with this wand, you will be capable of great, great things. Now if they will be for good, or for evil, only time will tell. All I can do is advise you, use its power well."
"Y-yes sir," I stuttered " how m-much?"
"Just the normal price miss Weasley."
I nodded, motioning for Percy to pay him. He did, and I grabbed my new wand. We walked out of the shop, in solemn silence.
If anything, that day, I did not expect to hear that I could become a dark Witch. How terrible I could become.

Heyyyyyyy, I updated! I hope you guys liked it. Sorry if anyone's out of character.... I try! But I'll try to update again soon! Favorite, follow, and comment please! Feed back is much appreciated! Thanks! Love you guys!
~ AnotherRone

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