1. Baz

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I took deep breaths as I hit my leg against my chair repeatedly. It's funny that this is the smallest classroom I have, but it also has the most people in it. What kind of sick irony is that? I tapped my fingers impatiently.

Obvious vampire hazard.

The smell of blood was *burning* my throat, I could hardly muster shallow breaths. My state was nearing a full on catastrophe. I plugged my nose hoping to lessen the bloodlust. UGH. Bloodlust. I have bloodlust. Disgusting.

"Mr. Pitch, is everything alright?" Mrs. Dymphna asked. I didn't trust myself to talk so I gave her a tight smile. Everyone turned to see me spazzing out. Simon almost looked concerned. How sweet.

There were fifteen more minutes in this godforsaken class. What is Calckulus used for anyways? Nothing I'm going to concern myself with in the future. I needed a distraction. I looked around for an adequate one until my eyes landed on him.

Simon Snow. He had been a distraction since day one (the prat). I could spend hours thinking of schemes to kill him or steal his girlfriend. Although I was starting to think I didn't even like Agatha, I just thought I did because everyone is supposed to like her. And I know deep down that I'm not going to seriously injure Snow. No matter how selfish, stupid, and annoyingly attractive he is.

Simon has the kind of blue eyes that you could get lost in trying to figure out exactly what shade they are. They seem infinite and mysterious. His hair is a glowing caramel chestnut color. It is very curly, but looks immaculate (shocker). He is lanky, but it suits him, and his skin is tan and smooth looking. Match all that with a strong jawline and everyone has a crush on him, even the ones interested in females.

Simon doesn't have much friends though, which brings me great pleasure. He says it's because he wants to hurt the least amount of people when he faces off the Insidious Humdrum, and probably dies. He says things like that all the time, probably because he spends so much time with The Mage. They're both wrapped up in their own heroism. 

The bell rang and I shot up like a mexican jumping bean. I shoved everyone out of the way, maybe accidentally using my super strength, and ran down the hall, through the courtyard, and into the cover of the woods to begin my hunt (ugh). Everything was still, not a leaf rustled. 

I closed my eyes and slowly, deeply inhaled. 'Come on, even a squirrel will work,' I pleaded. I was frantic to feed. Aleister Crowley I hate myself.

I opened my eyes suddenly and flung myself at the scent of blood. My fangs, which had popped out long ago, landed deeply into...a raccoon? I sucked the poor creature dry. I had always liked raccoons. They are sneaky, resourceful, and cuddly all at the same time. My vision blurred. 

I flopped on the ground and stared up at the clouds. The trees around me were every shade of green. I love colors; they are both magick and science. There's so much that's affected by color, meaning everything. It's too bad I can't paint, music is my art.

I hadn't realized I was crying so hard until I looked down at my tear-soaked shirt. 'Why was the raccoon even awake? Aren't they nocturnal?' The moment I said nocturnal, a wave of exhaustion hit me like a merwolf. I barely closed my eyes before I fell asleep.

Alright I want to add songs but it's not working sooooo if you want you can look them up XD

On The Other Side by The Strokes <3

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