9. Baz

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Ah Chopin, how I missed you. I haven't played the piano since summer vacation. I'll admit I was rusty at first, but I think I have my groove back. Chopin is one of my favorite composers of all time, but honestly he's everyone's favorite. The best part of classical music is getting to know the composers through their music, and that's why The Romantic Era is my favorite. The music was all about expression of emotions, so you can get to know the composers better. 

I was possibly at an all time nerd high by the end of the song when, who else, Simon fucking Snow comes in like the king of the universe. I nearly had a heart attack. But on the outside I just raised a curious eyebrow at him. 

"What song was that?" he asked a little breathlessly. 

"Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2," I told him. He nodded, but he looked as if I had spoken in Hindi like his friend Penelope or something. He stood there awkwardly for a minute. I stared at him, my eyebrow still raised. Inside, my heart was thumping.

He grabbed a chair and dragged it noisily next to me. He sat down clumsily like an adorable puppy.

"Keep playing," he ordered like he was in charge of me. I scoffed, but turned my attention back to the piano. I decided to keep to the classics, because my family would make fun of me for playing the really famous pieces, so I don't get to play them as much. Yup, that's my family for you. True iconoclasts. I began playing Liszt's Hungarian Rhapdsody No. 2, another Romanticism piece. I felt Simon's gaze on me, but I was secretly (okay maybe not so secretly) an attention whore, so it fueled me to be better. 

Simon kept leaning closer and closer throughout, entranced. I really wasn't THAT good, he must not know very many practiced musicians. Or any. He seemed to like this song better than the other two he had heard me play, which made sense because Franz Liszt was a flashy bastard. 

When I finished playing he just breathed, "More." I gave him a sideways glance. His eyes were still closed, and he was leaning really close to me. My heart was trying to kill me or something, because it would not calm down. My truly vampirish complexion was now bright pink. Hoping to satisfy his weird desire to hear me play, I chose an even longer piece. Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. It's really famous, so even Snow might recognize it. The third movement is probably my favorite, mostly because it allows me to show off the most.

Simon started rubbing my back mindlessly, like he didn't even realize he was doing it. My breath quickened. From the piano of course. Which I needed to focus on, so I don't make an ass of myself. 'How did he even find me?' I thought randomly. He had stalked me my whole life trying to expose me as the epitome of evil, so I guess it's not all that unexpected.

I looked over at him. His eyes were closed, his lips were slightly parted, and he was leaning close to me with his hand on my back. Almost like he was about to kiss me. I gulped as a bead of sweat ran down my face. My stomach was in tidal waves of anxiety and/or anticipation.

I slammed the last chord, then without bothering to think, I slammed my lips into Simon's. His eyes fluttered, then he wrapped his arms around me. We could not get any closer, although I tried my hardest. Our chests and faces were firmly pressed together with our arms exploring freely. He ran his hands through my hair again and again, and I stuck my hand up his shirt, feeling his abs. His skin was hot, warming up my corpse-like fingers. I started kissing his neck which wasn't the best idea because I'm a vampire, but I had stronger desires than to drink his blood at that second. He wrapped his legs around me, pressing our waists together. I moaned into his ear, and he turned to kiss me again. I laid him onto the piano, making the all the keys press at once. I realized that must not be comfortable, so I stood up and held my hand out to him. He grabbed it and I pulled him down on top of me, laying on the classroom carpet. He straddled me and started to take off my shirt. He kissed my chest, while I writhed beneath him. Simon pulled his shirt off, revealing his perfect body. I unbuttoned my pants eagerly, still not thinking. We were in our underwear now, and both extremely hard of course. I just wanted him. I wanted his eagerness to please, his curiosity, his perseverance and strength. And I had him. I trailed kisses down his stomach, but I didn't stop there. He squirmed and grabbed my ass trying to bring me closer to him. I looked at him and did the only appropriate thing in this situation. I removed his underwear with my fangs. Mine came off quickly too. Neither of us were messing around. We were in physical pain from desire. He actually grabbed my cazzo and tried to put it inside him. It was quick business after that. All sorts of passion and ungodly noises.

It was only after we were laying naked together that I started to think. It was only then that I realized what I had done. What lines I had crossed. I shot up and started putting on my clothes as fast as I could. Simon reached for my ankle, but I moved away without looking at him. I heard him sigh, but he made no move to stop me. I left, upset. I walked outside with my hair in ruins, my face flushed, and my buttons buttoned incorrectly. I shook furiously as I ran away to the woods.

Oblivion by M83 <3

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