3. Baz

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I can't believe the nerve of that stuckup, no good, cactus! He's probably screwing the Mage right now. I shuddered. Then I giggled a little at the prospect of Simon and the Mage in bed together. "Oh Simon, it's so nice to finally have you stroke something other than my ego!" I let out a guffaw, then abruptly covered my mouth. This was officially the weirdest day of my life. I was taught from conception that showing emotions is a sign of weakness. It gives the opposition the upper hand. I have always completely agreed, but today I was an open book. It was probably from hunger. A raccoon is not nearly enough to keep me going.

You can't help but pity Simon, just a little bit. Like a microscopic amount. Microscopic squared. He's been told for as long as he can remember that he is the only hope for magick-kind. That's got to get to your head. That doesn't make it any less annoying though.

I reached the very center of the woods, where the biggest animals lived. Guilt panged in my chest, but I couldn't continue in this state of madness. I closed my eyes and got into a sort of zen, completely silent. My ears and nose were fully alert, searching for the slightest hint of life. Behind me, there was loud rustling, and the most mouth watering blood I have ever smelled, wafted into my nose. It was irresistible. The Bella to my Edward. I didn't think, I never did. I couldn't, or I would change my mind and starve myself.

As I leaped the smell of blood became familiar. A scream I could recognize in my sleep penetrated the air. I screamed to, realizing what was happening.

I barely stopped myself. My fangs touched his skin, my hands placed firmly on his shoulders. I was in shock. I had just tried to bite a human. 'I'm going to be sick', I thought. I released Simon and collapsed on the ground for the second time today. Simon stared at me, bewildered. Actually, that doesn't represent the look he was giving me. 'Control your emotions,' I commanded myself as tears pricked my eyes.

That's when I felt it. The electric hum of Simon's magick. When I first met him, it was wild and uncontrollable. Simon's raw power was terrifying, even to himself. He's spent most of his freetime training to keep it from taking over his body. When he was extremely emotional, it still made an unwanted appearance. I looked up at Simon in fear. His magick licked at me, invisible tendrils snapping at my legs. The good news is that the smokey smell of his magick covered up the smell of his blood. I can usually handle the tempting fluid that runs through his veins, but he was sweaty from following me through the woods which for some reason made blood smell better, and I was trying to find blood instead blocking it out like usual.

My eyes failed me and I started bawling. I started sobbing harder because of the embarrassment of crying in front of Simon. He would turn me in to the Mage of course. I thought that maybe I could live with myself if I didn't hunt humans, but I should've just killed myself a long time ago. I'm a monster. Turning me in is the right thing to do.

"I'm s-s-so sorry Sim-m-mon," I said pathetically. His expression softened, he sat down next to me. 'No Simon,' I thought, 'Run away. Tell the Mage. End me. You win.' He put his hand on my shoulder, but thought better and removed it.

"Why didn't you kill me?" he asked. "In fact, why haven't you killed me before now. We're arch nemeses." I must be crazy, because I hear admiration in his voice. 

"I hate it. I hate all of it." I mumbled. "I'm not human, I'm not even alive." He grabbed my chin to make me look into his endlessly blue eyes. That's just like Simon, being heroic and in control.

"Baz, this is the most alive I've ever seen you."

11th Dimension by Julian Casablancas <3

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