7. Baz

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"Are you Mozart now or something?" Simon asked. I sniggered. When did Snow get a personality? I thought he would be asleep after 20 minutes of Bach, but he was wide eyed. He stood up and walked over to me almost shakily. I assumed from practicing his magick. He let out a whimper when he saw my sheet music. "You never told me," he said incredulously.

"Why would I," I retorted. He picked up my music folder with all my favorite songs to play. I thought he was going to start crying. Just a tad bit melodramatic I think. 

"How long have you been playing?" he asked. "Since the dawn of time!?" I gave him a smile.

"Simon I'm not that good." He went into hysterics after that. I just rolled my eyes at him. I looked at the piece I had played for him. Sonata no. 2 in A Minor by Bach. "I started playing when we were first years," I told him. He was actually rofl-ing which made me start to laugh. I laid down next to him and just stared at his glorious chosen-oneness. Our weird truce thing was starting to get to me, which is scary.

"Is playing violin all you do in your free time?" he asked rolling over to face me. We were almost cuddling weirdly enough. Things with Simon were always weird, it was better not to linger on it.

"No of course not," I said. "I also play piano!" He slapped my arm and I slapped his arm back. "I also enjoy being superior to everyone else, then making sure they know it."

"That's obviously not entirely true," he said, waving my music in my face.

"That's different," I said grabbing the music and kicking him playfully. I left my leg on his, and he put his over mine, so that we were sort of entangled. Things with Simon were definitely weird. He touched my face gently, and I got lost in his eyes for the infinitieth time. His thumb rubbed my face lightly and his skin was flushed. If it was anyone else I probably would've pushed them away, but it was just Simon. Our faces were oh so close. I could feel heat rising up my face. 'This doesn't mean anything, Simon and I hate each other,' I thought as our noses touched. 

Thunder jolted me upright. Rain was pounding on our window, begging to be let in. I stood up and awkwardly put away my violin. Simon was still laying on the floor staring at me. I didn't dare look back at him. It was time to go to class. It was time to leave this room at least. My cheeks were burning, but I was trying my hardest not to let it show. I cleared my throat. "Keep training 'Chosen One'" I sneered.

I bounded out the door with a smirk on my face, but as soon as I left it disappeared. 'Oh man,' I thought. Simon was burned into my brain. That was unacceptable. This truce was a terrible idea. I thought of my mom. She was the old headmistress, until vampires came. They attacked the nursery where I was being cared for. She was killed, and I was left to be a disgusting vampire. 

My family wants to be back in our rightful place as the leaders of this school, especially to honor her. Occasionally they make me cause mild mayhem to get back at the Mage. I have memories of being a little kid in this school. I know how to get around pretty well. I remembered a corridor that is never used anymore. The arts department. There's a piano in one of those rooms. Violin is my favorite instrument, but piano has always been the best therapy. And I need some psychiatric help. 

I can still hear my mom play the piano in my head. I barely remember what she looked like, but I remember the sound of her music like it's playing live. I obviously get my freakish obsession with music from her. Thinking about my mom did not help my mental state at all. I started running to reach the piano.

You Never Give Me Your Money by The Beatles <3

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