The Truth

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The sun was setting and i didnt move from my spot. I sat on a rock near a waterfall just thinking why does this happen to me out of everyone it me who's a monster. I hate this just when I think I'm getting my life back something bad has to happen. I jumped when I heard someone walking towards me I turned to see it was Damon. "Mind if I sit here", he asked. I gave him a nod and tried to not stare at him and looked at the view. The silence was broken when he said, "so why did you run". I lied to him and simply said" it's what I'm good at if I ran from Klaus I can run for Emmett. "So that's his name Emmett well what did he do", he asked. "He asked me to be his girlfriend and then I ran", I said. "So you ran because he asked you out", he said confused. "No its not that when he asked me that I was going to say yes but when Stefan walked passed me I felt like darkness was trying to take over again I didn't want him to know yet so I left,I said. He looked at me for a while not knowing what to say. "Look nessa I know we haven't talk to you ever since your birthday and its pretty crappy but the next day we found something out", he said waiting for me to respond. I was afraid what I wasn't going to hear I wasn't going to like. I gave him a weak nod and her continued. "So remember the story mom use to tell us about Silas, how he had a friends but mostly someone who will help him destroy the world or who will kill him well....that's you",he said. My heart dropped "I'm destined to help him or kill him but how and why me", I asked. "Because your his daughter you don't know that because even though mom was evil she had her reasons the only reason we found out was because we saw him then she stoned him and put him in a cave, we hid the truth from you because we thought it was better but now that its getting worse I thought you should know the truth, he said. I didn't know what to say I stayed quite I didn't know how to respond both of my brothers kept this a secret from me even when they got their memories back they didn't think to tell me. The truth hurts if I was the daughter of a monster then what does that make my brothers or are they even my brothers. It was too much for me to handle I was crying I felt like everyone one I loved betrayed me. "I don't know what you're feeling so you have to tell me please, nessa if it make it better I'm sorry for everything", Damon pleaded. (Maybe I shouldn't have told her..I shouldn't have followed this monster here oh what am I saying). "What do you think of me",I asked. He looked at me surprised then understood the question. "I think of you as a brave sweet......the truth", I said cutting him off. He didn't answered he just looked down at the ground. "Look we gotta go its a full moon so Rianna and Derrick won't be here tonight", he said looking scared I didn't know why but then I realized I just said what he said I read him mind I said what he said. I looked around to see if Silas was around but he wasn't was it me this time. (Maybe I was wrong she's a monster, the daughter of a monster). I couldn't take it being called a monster broke my heart but if that's how they see me then its time to be one.

Seconds later a grabbed Damon and tossed him, he got back up but took a step back. There it was they feeling again I felt my eyes burning but it didn't stop me. Damon came at me trying to push me into river if I feel it would be a long way down. I lost balance and fell I could hear Damon cry my name as if he didn't mean to do this. As I was almost tho the bottom I felt something coming out of my back I turned to see wings. What the hell wings but how? As I flew up I saw Damon in shock I wanted to go to him but he ran like hell. I need time to think I flew pass the sign leaving so soon out once looking back.

Ok may be a lot to take in but next chapter will basically explain it all and I'm add in supernatural it a good show and it goes with what the explanation. Daughter of Silas bet you weren't expecting that...neither was I XD. What else doesn't she knew and why does she have wings.

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