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What if I brought him back to life I thought to myself. What if I don't come back? What if I never see Klaus again? With all these questions in my head I was certain I was going to bring Derrick back no matter the cost. I've tried to call Klaus but he hasn't answer I told him I'm pregnant I've said I'm sorry what more does he want. "You have to do something for me Scott", I asked. "Yea anything", he said. "I'm going to get Derrick back but if I don't make it back tell my brothers I forgive them,Rebekah that's she the best friend I could ask for, Rianna thank you for being my sister, and Klaus... tell him I love him",I whispered. "Ok but don't you think we should tell the others "he suggested. "No they are dealing with something else plus I want to surprise them",I said. He nodded understanding what I was saying. I got the paper and started to read the words. Kne sun lou on e nie wio poe le (hold the hand of the dead and you shall enter). As I did what the paper said the next thing I knew it was black.

It was dark cold filled with people walking around. Here I thought it would be thousands of souls flying around I guess not. I turned around as I felt a tap on my shoulder I saw it was my mother. "Vanessa what ...how...look at you", she said. "Don't try to act like you care now mother",I said. "Vanessa I know you're hurt with me but please I want to try and fix this make it right I know we don't have enough time but we can make it last",she pleaded. I gave her a small nod and was going to start over. "What are you doing here",I asked. "When people die they either go to a better place or come here where they have unfinished businesses", she explained. "What's your unfinished businesses", I asked. She took a long pause before she answered my question. "Your father", she replied. I didn't say anything after that I knew what he did to her. "So why are you here",she asked. "My friends mate died and I'm here to get him back", I said. "Does this mate happen to be a man named Derrick Hale who's an alpha and a mate", she asked? "Yes have you've seen him",I said. "Lord Haddies has all wear wolves with him in a cage locked up you'd have to be crazy going in there",she said. "Well I'm not going to waist time so lets go get him",I said. As we started walking things were strange people just looked like zombies and the building were either destroyed or on fire. She we turned the corner a man had attacked us. He grabbed my mother and threw her against the wall causing it to shake. I started to hurt his mind until someone from behind stabbed me with a knife. There it was I felt it the darkness flowing through me the wings coming out of my back. I attacked the first one and snapped his neck but the other one cut my arm. He help my mother by her neck with a another knife. I slowly let my wings back into me that was until I ran towards and pushed him off of her. I grabbed the knife and did something that never crosses my mind I stabbed him repeatedly again and again and again. "Vanessa that's enough he's dead ...don't let your farther control you",she begged. I got off him and saw what I did I was turning into a monster like Silas like my dad. We continued our walk until we were at the doors of hell. "I can't go any further I'm sorry",she said. I gave her a hug thanking her for being a mother for 30 minutes. She pulled back and looked at me then she put her hand on my stomach I knew where this was going. "You're with child",she said happily. "Yes mom I have a child", I replied. "Just be careful for me and the sake of your child I love you my daughter never forget",she said disappearing. I looked at the doors before entering there was no turning back now whatever is behind these doors be prepared for I'm bringing hell to you.

I thought there would be people attacking but it was quite. "Well well look who it is if its not the daughter of Silas tell me sugar how you doing", someone said. "Why don't you come out and see what the daughter of Silas can do",I threatened. "Now why would I do that even if I wanted to your father would be here in a heart beat plus he wants to make sure his little gem is unharmed", the man said stepping out of the shadows. "Haddies",I said. "The one and only now why are you here sugar" he asked. "To get my friend back no matter the cost",I said walking away. "Now I wouldn't do that",he said touching me. I punched him in the jaw and started to run. I bumped into something that hit me hard on my face I slowly saw who is was. "Silas". "Where do you think you're going you don't think you can actually save your friend",he asked. I walked around him not saying a word. I can't have anymore delays I'm here for Derrick and that's it. "You really think saving him will make everyone change their mind about you think they'll see you as a hero no you'll always be a monster like your dad",he said. "Do you know what its like for the people you love to call you a monster to be afraid of you", I asked. "Everyday before your mother stoned me even she call me that",he said. I let a tear escape for I felt sorry for him but I'm nothing like him. "I have to go",I said pushing him out of the way. I fell to the ground when I saw haddies in front of me. "Now this is my place my rules",he said smirking. "You wanna get your ass kicked fine by me",I shouted. I grabbed him by the neck and tossed him to the wall. No this can't happen I felt it the darkness not because of Silas because I was embracing it I couldn't let this happen. He charged at me with a knife and cut my arm. I saw Silas sitting just watching me this is what he wants I told myself I can't let him win. Haddies cut me again but he cut my stomach. I was worried what if he killed my baby what if he harmed it. I had enough I couldn't take it I let all hell brake lose. I felt the darkness takeover I felt good. He looked at me then at Silas I took the chance and grabbed the knife from his hand and pushed him against the wall with the knife at his neck. "Very good now stab him and I'll give you your friend back",Silas said. I hesitated was i really going to kill someone to get Derrick back I know rianna would but I'm not her. I took the knife and did it i watched his body drop to the floor. At this point I tried to conceal the darkness but nothing. I was scared did I give myself into the darkness for this. "You did it you embraced it my little girl, here take this box and return to the world I'll see you there",he said.

I woke up and everyone looked at me, I looked down and saw the box. "You did it",bonnie and Rianna said. I opened the box and the soul flew into Derrick's body. I got up from the ground and went to the fireplace, I saw my eyes through the reflection of the picture they were black. In the corner of my eye I saw him standing there waiting for me. As I got close everyone gasped as they saw him. "Vanessa what are you doing", they asked. "I made a deal your welcome", I said. "One more thing before we go",he said. He ripped my heart out and threw it on the ground I thought I was going to die but I didn't instead I felt nothing its like my humanity was turned off and it felt good. "Love is a vampires weakness never forget that",he said before we left.

Damn just danm
DERRICK'S alive yay but Vanessa she's hella evil like farther like daughter this is my last chapter I'm doing another book but not until next week sorry......NOT!!! Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it :) til next time

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