Extra Chappy

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A few months later...

"Our baby is growing."

Liam smoothly ran his palm around my stomach and I fought myself not to roll my eyes.

"Wonder what the baby's gender is? I hope he's a guy as cute as you baby." He planted a kiss on the side of my neck where his mark was planted. His arms wrapped around me from my back as he swayed us left and right.

Both of us are in the balcony of our room staring at the beautiful view of the backyard where Daniel's blond wolf was playing with the pups.

I signed remembering how my life started here. It was complicated but worth it.

"That's my poop about to burst, not a baby." I deadpanned and he chuckled.

"You really know how to ruin the mood." Liam snuggled on the side of my nape and I frowned, hiding my arousing urge to pull him back to the bed so early in the morning.

"Stop that." I growled and he chuckled again. I finally rolled my eyes before planting my attention to my front.

My eyes caught a reddish brown wolf coming from the woods. I stared at it confused as it stiffen when he saw Daniel's wolf with puppies.

The reddish brown wolf took a step back in fear and I was already ready to jump any time soon if Danield anything stupid. Thankfully, the blond wolf left the backyard instead and entered the mansion quietly. I raised my brow.

Lucas is still being ignored, I see...

"Lucas!" The puppies ran towards him. Cabs attack. So cute!!!

"They're so cute." I said in aww. I waited for Liam to agree but he didn't answer. I turned to look at him and found him staring at nothing, "Liam?" He stared at the pups seriously.

This is our problem. Liam is so pushy with everything except for one thing. I could see that he really wanted a baby but chose not to tell me. Everyday he would run his palm on my stomach as if there's a living thing inside. I'm so disappointed in myself that I couldn't give him one but I have an idea already.

"Liam..." I faced him and cupped his face close to mine. "I've been thinking about this for a long time. I know that it's too early for us but..." He raised a brow waiting for me to continue. "Should we adopt?" I asked and his eyes widened with mixed emotions.

"Are you for real?" He asked as he searched my face for something. "Are you serious?!" A smile stretched his face before he pulled me for a tight hug. I chuckled when he started jumping like a freaking kid!

"Calm down junior." I patted his back and he slowly let go of me. He cupped my face and forced a kiss on my lips but his teeth got in the way and hit my lips. "Ouch!" I covered my mouth and he laughed.

"Sorry." He apologised but his smile barely made me annoyed. I forgave him since I don't want to ruin the mood. "Wait, I'll call Uncle Vic, he can help us look for the perfect cabs." I was nodding all along but stopped when he said 'cabs'.

"We're only taking one Liam." I told him and he frowned.

"Come on, at least make it three or four!" He said as he scrolled down on his phone.

"You're only 18 and I just turned 20." I explained as a matter of fact. "Tell me how we can take care of them at a young age!" I threw my hands in the air but he ignored me.

"Trust me we can do it." He held my hand and smiled innocently. How can I say no to that face? I sighed.

"Okay but only two please. That's all I can manage." I begged and he nodded as he put the phone close to his ear.

"Of course Harris." He smiled before planting a kiss on the side of my neck. "Hello Uncle Vic!" He greeted the ex-Alpha excitedly like a kid. "I need your help," I pointed at the door to give them some privacy and he nodded at me. "We decided to adopt."

He chuckled and I smiled as I walked towards the door.

I'm glad that he's happy about it. I still can't believe I'm going to be a parent at a young age. I hesitated at first and planned to wait till he's 23 or older but I'm getting tired of him massaging my stomach and talking to it.

I just hope I won't regret my decision.

"We decided to adopt five cabs!" My eyes widened at that before turning to look at him. He just smiled at me innocently.

Five cabs...?! I stared at him in disbelief.

Liam's eyes immediately widened as I slowly picked up my slipper.

"Harris, wait!" He begged as I glared at him.

This kid. I need to beat his ass first then we'll talk.


Hi! Thank you for staying until the end. I hope you like this story as much as I do.

Writing Liam and Harris' story gave me a lot of opportunities to be recruited on different websites but I love wattpad the most. My readers here were the first to inspire me to write more so I decided to bring it back here. The contract for 'Choose Me' is still on-going so we need to wait for a while.

I'm opening a Q&A btw. Please send your question via DM. Wattpad, IG and FB. I'll choose a few ones.

That's all for now. I'll be finishing the rest of my book soon!

Stay safe!

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