7. Starry eyed knight

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The flowers shook between Maria's trembling fingers as she carefully set them down upon the windowsill. The moon had risen over the valley and darkness captured every corner of the forest. Maria Merryweather was trapped in the company of Robin de Noir.

"Princess?" she heard a chuckle lacing his words as he called for a response.

"Robin, I really... I really do not think it is suitable for us to be in such a position... at such a time of night I mean..."

Each time Maria attempted to form a sentence she found herself unable to finish it, words trailing off as she heard the steady footsteps of Robin approaching her from across the room. He was teasing her. She knew his goading games all too well, but this time, it seemed different. Perhaps it was the glowing moon framed through the window panes, or the mysterious circumstances threatening Moonacre, or perhaps the rough lilt of Robin's remarkably deep voice as he called out for her attention again.

"Princess, there's no need to be nervous."

Maria felt her cheeks flush several shades darker.

"I'm a respectable man, Princess," she could practically hear the smirk in his voice, "I'm not about to play out any deep, dark desires you may have had while dreaming of my bare chest."

Maria snapped. She knew Robin's ways and his playful personality, but teasing her at a moment like this was simply too much. Snatching a threadbare pillow from the loveseat, she turned and hurled it in Robin's direction, managing to hit him square in the face. The shocked and perplexed expression on Robin's face as the pillow fell to the floor with a thud was enough to cause a string of giggles to break from Maria's lips. She brought her hands to her face in glee, beaming up at the bewildered bird boy.

"Oh, I see, Princess," Robin finally said as Maria's giggles died down, "you want to play it like this, huh?"

Maria squealed as Robin suddenly dived forward, snatching at the ribbons of her dress as she dodged his attack, fleeing to the kitchen. Robin stalked towards the sound of clattering of pots and pans, a smile forming on his lips as their game continued.

"En garde!" Maria declared, pointing one of Loveday's wooden spoons in his direction as he entered the kitchen.

Feigning distress, Robin placed his hands in the air and dropped to his knees, eyes shining as he watched the princess double over with laughter.

"Surely you don't plan on killing your loyal subject, Moon Princess?"

Maria levelled her gaze with his, a stern pout forming on her lips as she carefully walked over to him. The silky fabric of her dress caressed Robin's unclothed arms, causing a ripple of goosebumps to form across his skin. He looked up at her with a strange intensity that left Maria feeling breathless.

"No, I should think not," Maria replied, trying to sound casual as she maintained their eye contact. "Instead, I shall knight you."

A quizzical grin appeared on Robin's face as Maria waved her wooden spoon ceremoniously in the air, before bringing it down to tap lightly on each of Robin's squared shoulders.

"There, now you are a Knight of Moonacre!" pronounced Maria, smiling down at him playfully.

"And may I rise, Princess?" replied Robin, his voice seeming to rumble thunderously within the quiet confines of the kitchen.

Maria once again felt nervous anticipation flood into her body, nodding her head slightly as she did not trust herself to speak. On his feet once more, Robin towered over her. She often forgot just how tall he truly was while they traversed the forest, the uneven terrain rarely giving an indication. However, even without his heavy boots and signature bowler hat, Robin still stood more than a head above her.

Calloused fingers traced her wrist before entwining themselves between her own. Robin brought her hand up, once again forming an unbroken gaze as he looked fixedly into her eyes. He raised the back of her hand to his face, lowering his head slightly and gazing down at her from beneath his lashes as he pressed his lips softly upon her pale skin.

"Then, I pledge myself to Moonacre and to you, my Princess."

Maria could not help the small gasp that broke from her lips, time had seemed to stop its clock at that very moment. All she could hear was the rush of her blazing blood in her ears. All she could feel was the quick breath escaping from Robin's lips and caressing the top of her hand.

Reality returned as Robin straightened up, releasing her fingers as a familiar smirk appeared on his face.

"Now, my Princess, as your vowed protector, I must insist on you resting before we set out on our quest tomorrow morning."

Without another word, Robin swept a hand beneath Maria's legs and caught her shoulders in his palm, pulling her up into the air in one swift movement and striding purposely out of the kitchen.

"Robin!" Maria cried, finding her voice as the floor disappeared from below her feet. "Robin, put me down this instant!"

"Calm down, Princess. Sleep is sketched onto your face. You need rest," Robin's voice was surprisingly gentle as he pulled her further into his wide chest, cradling her as though he were holding one of the world's most precious objects.

Maria knew she should have felt desperately embarrassed at the scandalous position she was trapped in, yet the peaceful hum of Robin's voice and the steady heartbeat that echoed from his chest seemed to lull her. He was right, she was indeed awfully tired. The comforting heat from the fireplace and the soothing words from Robin left her drifting off, as if by magic, into the cloudy hazes of sleep.

Robin placed her down gently onto Loveday's bed, pausing to tenderly brush the stray hairs from Maria's cheek before leaning down to pick up several blankets from the floor and lay them on top of the sleeping girl.

He gazed down at her peaceful form, his fingers once again finding themselves tracing the smooth skin of her delicate hands. As if sensing him from within her dreams, Maria's fingers lightly curled around his own, sighing sweetly as Robin murmured her name.

"Maria... If you are the Moon Princess, then I shall decidedly be your starry eyed knight."

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