9. The way of magic

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Leaving behind the familiar is always a difficult task, yet it was one that Maria knew well. Nonetheless, she saw it as a challenge that one can never become accustomed to, as each circumstance weaves a different path of events to the last. In leaving London and entering the countryside, Maria was faced with having to integrate herself into a new way of life; a life that revolved around the sowing of the land and moved to the ebb of the river flow. In determining her fate as the Moon Princess, Maria understood the vital strength given through family and the capacity she held for trust, loyalty and, above all, love.

As she left Loveday's small plot of land she was once again filled with a longing to return to that which she knew. Over the months, Loveday's cottage had become an emblem of all that she loved from the forest. Through her eyes, the trees breathed and whispered the secrets of the land as they rustled against the cottage's windows. The earth was soft and provided for those who cared enough to respect it with seeds and water. Even the animals paid heed to a subtler way of life. Parting from such a place would be another step towards the unknown, another leap of faith that Maria would have to trust could eventually lead her to a newer and more wondrous world.

The further they walked into the forest the greater the distinction grew. The trees here did not breathe or whisper, instead, they hung their heads and dug their roots haphazardly through the soil as if at any moment they might attempt to move from their confines and flee the forest forever. The desperation of the land was undeniable and Maria knew that as she chose her path across it, she sealed her fate to free it.

At the very least, she was not alone. The broad back of Robin de Noir strode several feet in front of her, batting aside the brambles and smoothing the undergrowth. Robin knew his way around the forest and had the fastest routes already mapped out in his mind, yet each step he took was ultimately calculated and adjusted for the princess. He rarely travelled out of his own company, and he liked it that way. In the opinion of the de Noir's, the only person who you could truly rely on was oneself. However, slowing his pace so that he could always keep Maria's steady footsteps in earshot, or kicking down nettles despite them biting at any of his exposed skin seemed to make him undeniably contented. The girl may have teased him relentlessly and played on every last one of his nerves, yet he never wished for her to be parted from his side.

The thought came as a shock to him at first, however, the inevitability of it seemed obvious immediately. Deep into the nights, when only the stars could provide their ears to his sighs, he invariably thought of the princess. His feelings were a muddle of strange, new and long forgotten, and he welcomed them without question. He was meant to be by his princess' side; he was sure of it.

The walk had not been a long one, but the ruminations of each individual had stretched it on an age. Nevertheless, as they rounded a particularly high boulder and ducked under the branch of a willow weeping upon the grassy floor, they approached the foretold glade.

The way of magic is a strange one, and not configured in such a way for the corporeal to understand. There are, however, certain instances in which the fabric of magic can be unravelled and discovered, which is often noted upon by scholars within the art. In such cases, it becomes evident that some magics are stronger than others, and indeed hold such a power that they can change the realms of the living completely.

The valley of Moonacre was a hub for such a kind of magic, calling upon ethereal creatures of kingdoms unknown and bringing into existence beings of immense power; pixies, witches and princesses divined by the stars themselves. Each has a home in Moonacre and if one was to stumble into it, it would be hard to miss. As was the Luminescence Glade for Maria and Robin, which seemed to hold the sun itself within its elements. Each aspect of the glade contained a glow that was almost too intense to be gazed upon directly, with a bubbling brook that moved in phosphorescent currents and bushes ladened with berries that appeared ablaze within its branches. Robin, whose childhood had been spent within the unlit corridors of the de Noir castle, thought that so much light could not exist within all the nations of all the world.

Across the brook and apart from the trees were various rings of glistening white mushrooms, almost translucent and dripping with a clear, radiant substance that trailed to the soil below. At the centre of each one sprouted small flowers which drew the attention of anyone within its vicinity. Despite having seen Loveday's attempts at growing the minuscule Heliosoleil, they held nothing against their true counterpart. Each one had a crystalline appearance as if it were blown from glass with a faeries' breath. They seemed to jingle and chime like church bells from across the valley, breaking the perfect silence of the glade.

Robin found himself madly drawn to the distant ringing within the faerie circles as if an incessant voice was laughing sweetly and calling him closer and closer. Before either of the pair could react to the situation, Robin had crossed the few meters from across the brook and fallen to his knees within the circle, knuckles brushing aside the mushrooms as his fingers desperately grasped at the delicate flowers before him. No sooner had the circle been broken and the oozing substance touched upon Robin's skin did it start to burn. He cried out as the back of his hand started to blister, the pale flesh turning a furious shade of red as pricks of blood began seeping from the wound and running down the incandescent petals below.

A/N Hello readers! I just wanted to quickly say thank you to everyone who has voted on my story or followed me on my profile! It truly means the world to me that you enjoy my writing and inspires me to write even more!

Don't forget to leave a comment telling me what you think of the story or what you're looking forward to happening! I can assure you that there are plenty of adorable Maria & Robin moments to come ^-^)/

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