11. Lost to the infinities

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The day had come and gone within a handful of brief hours. In no time at all, clouds were drifting across the sky like the tide of a petulant ocean, sucking the sunlight back into the boundless void of space and leaving the Earth's sky to darken into dusk. Fog had settled heavily throughout the forest, twisting its tendrils between the trees, filling up the lowland and clinging to the craggy hillocks.

The leafy trees and soft undergrowth had been replaced with a more solemn landscape. To one side of Robin and Maria stood a rocky incline, jagged grey stone seeming to cut through the air and send the breeze whistling through its hollows. To their left was a steep drop, leading down into a valley swirling with mist. Robin was certain that they were approaching the caverns within which their foretold spring could be found. Despite his confidence as he tackled the bleak terrain, Maria could not help but think back upon his childhood legend. The eerie trill of wind across the rock face echoed likes the howls of the damned. In Maria's experience, no matter how fantastical the story, there was always a sliver of truth hidden within its depths. If indeed the spring of water did grant eternal life, the thought of the tormented undead wandering through the caves beneath her feet filled her with terror.

Fear raked its fingernails across Maria's pale skin and she found herself shivering uncontrollably as her body pressed into the rock at her back. She tried to call out to her companion as his shoulders were slowly swallowed by mists swimming before her eyes. Her fingers clutched at the flint sticking into her sides and she rooted her boots to the ground, panic keeping her still. She did not feel herself, with the onset of the night her determination had been stripped.

Alone in the darkness.

The wind screeched in her ears and drew her breath away.


Her clouded vision cleared at the sound of Robin's voice. His curls were tickling her forehead and his warm palms pressed to her cheeks. She had fallen to the floor, small pebbles scattered around her body and her legs folded beneath her dusty skirts. Her mind was dazed and her breath coming in quick pants as if the air was losing its consistency, becoming weaker and thinner with each passing second.

"Princess... Princess, look at me, what happened?" Robin questioned urgently.

Maria allowed him to help her to her feet, her boots no longer feeling as sturdy upon the rocky ground. With an arm around her waist and her body pressed tightly into his side, Robin led Maria a few steps further down the path. The road forked and to one side was a small crevice in the rock face, just large enough to shelter the pair from the howling gusts sweeping along the cliff side. Small ferns grew here and there, which brushed against Maria's exposed ankles and calmed her thoughts. Breathing deeply and leaning her head back against the stone she gazed up at the sky.

Clouds crowded across their navy background, thick and impenetrable. Dispersed between them were a handful of stars, each winking down at Maria as they nestled within the heavens. Something seemed out of place, although at first, she could not quite tell what. Spirals of mist were lacing the skies, although that was in no way unique to the past few weeks. As a very young child, Maria could remember looking up and into the infinity that stretched out above her head. She had traced the clouds and picked out shapes, drawing stories in the sky. She had wanted to grow wings and fly up to touch those clouds, to live as freely as they did and travel wherever the breeze may fancy. Now, the patterns marked out by the mists were in no way a wondrous delight. Everything about them seemed foreboding and strange as if claws had carved out sections of the sky and left ashy debris in its wake.

Suddenly, it was obvious. Horribly, sickeningly obvious the moment Maria realised what was wrong with the picture. This was not the sky she knew, not the sky that blanketed her each night and cast a peaceful light across the Earth. The moon had all but disappeared. In the place where it should have shone there was a faint glow, a cry for help as the lustrous orb was smothered amongst layers of fog.

Maria felt herself go dizzy once more, her eyelids drooping as the world swung out of focus. This time, however, Robin had her within his arms in an instant. His face was twisted in fear and his eyebrows drew together as he lowered Maria into his lap on the ground.

"Maria? Maria, please," he murmured as his lips pressed against her forehead.

"Robin," she gasped, concentrating on his face as she tried to pull strength back into her body, "Robin, we need to hurry. The moon... my moon is all but gone. We need to help."

The rocks around them groaned and shuddered, and abruptly the earth began to quake. Gravel started to slide down the cliff face, sprinkling around the pair as cracks split up the stone behind them. Robin immediately rolled across the ground, pulling Maria under him as he sheltered her head against his chest.

The world seemed to be tumbling around them, sharp splinters of rock dropping dangerously to the ground, embedding themselves into the dirt at their feet. Robin had his arms wrapped tightly around her, but over his shoulder she could just make out a sliver of sky. The moon, once so noble in its sublimity gleamed dimly through the darkness.

Please, Maria thought, closing her eyes tightly and clutching her fingers around Robin's jacket, please, we're so close. Hold on, for just a short while, hold on.

Her silent prayer drifted up and into the heavens. It passed through the crumbling rock face unscathed, caressing the jagged stones as it moved to kiss the stars. Up and up it flew, dancing around the mists, unable to be caught in its icy embrace. It reached the moon and relayed its message, sighing softly before being lost to the infinities.

The moon burnt a hole through the stratosphere. The wind ceased to howl and the ground's tremors broke off. Maria was bathed in incandescent light before her mind hit obsidian and the world turned black.

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