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"Where are you bringing me?" I asked quite curiously. I really hadn't come on for a small little adventure. I came into the car only to yell at him, but now that we were on the road, there was no going back.

"You'll see," he replied as a small smirk appeared on his face. After 10 torturous minutes of just sitting in the car in silence with the curiosity building up inside of me, we finally had gotten to our destination. We weren't really in somewhere I was familiar with, but the landscape.

My oh my, was it something. He had parked his car on the edge of a cliff, that glanced over a majestical forest, with the starry night sky above of us. Excitedly, I jumped out of his car, finding myself gazing at the scene. The scene was as if someone had just painted it. Black slathered on the canvas with bright white dots. Each star winked at me, making me think, each star was a beacon of hope for someone out there.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around. Blake was only an inch away from me. This was probably the closest we've ever gotten, and I could literally hear his breathing. "Like the view?"

I smiled, "Yes, a lot actually."
"My dad would always bring me here when I was bored and we'd play together." That's when the smirk on his face had slowly faded into a frown.
"Out of all places this was my favourite because it was just so beautiful and it made me realize how small I really am in this world."

In between the argument, I had completely forgotten what happened to his father. His father, well he left his family and never returned without saying a single word. Some say he was cheating on his mother, and chose the other woman over his mother and some say he was on the run from the police. Either way, Blake had lost his father, and he loved him like a bee loves honey. 

Without knowing what to say, I managed to blurt out the words, "I'm sorry."
"I thought we weren't going to feel pitiful for one another?"
I blushed in embarrassment.
"You see Crystal, when people apologize, it doesn't necessarily mean they feel pity over you. For instance, when I said I was sorry, I meant that I was sorry for what you had to live through and that I understand that pain. Just like the way you apologized to me right now."
"Uhh, thanks. For making me realize that. But why'd you bring me here anyways?"
"Well, I wanted to make it up to you after what happened. As 'heartless' as you claim me to be, something inside of me just didn't feel good, so yeah. That's pretty much why. But I have a question that's also been bothering me for a bit, what happened between you and your parents that made you hate them this much?"

Wait, he did not just go there.
"I mean I'm in no place to tell you this, but losing your parents is probably the worst thing ever. If I had the chance to keep my father from going, don't you think I would use it? After losing my father I was crushed! I was never able to feel the warmth of his hugs anymore and it shattered my heart into millions of smithereens of dust."
This made me feel very angry for some reason. First of all he  knew nothing about my life, nor will he ever find out. So like he mentioned, he was in no place to tell me to fix my relationship with my parents, which he was obviously trying to do, but tried to look like he's not. The anger inside of me began to grow as I thought of the endless nights of my father using his belt. I winced just at the thought of it.

"Not all families are the same Blake." I said as I stood up.
"Yes I know that but imagine a world without your father or mother."
Oh, a world without my father/mother you say, that seems great, peaceful actually.
Not wanting him to know what I've been going through, I managed to blurt out the words,

"There are some things you don't know about me and my family Blake, so I wouldn't expect you to understand, but thanks for bringing me here. It sure did lighten my mood up a bit. Now if you don't mind can we leave?"

I was pretty proud of how smoothly I changed the topic, as he left a final glance of confusion on his face, he just shrugged and started walking towards the car. We spent the last ten minutes together in the car in silence as the music was slightly open and it mingled to the sound of the wind. Together, they filled my ears like instruments of an orchestra.

When we finally got to my home, I let out a quiet, "Bye," and walked towards the door. I looked at the parking lot only to notice millions of cars parked by the road to our house. As I got closer and closer to my house, so did the sound of music. Oh no. Please tell it wasn't one of those "party" nights. I mean for gods sake, something terrible, possibly taunting happened to me, and they decided it was a phenomenal time to throw a party. Sometimes I feel like I'm the parents and they're the children. I entered my house in complete confidence, but that confidence slowly drained into a look of disgust as I saw nearly drunk people passed out on our couches, red solo cups everywhere, and strangers I haven't seen in my entire existence making out.
Not wanting to see either of my parents, I rummaged through the crowd to get to my room upstairs only to find a couple making love on my own bed! I swear I will never be able to sleep in my own bed the way I used to. As the people on my bed were slightly embarrassed and shocked at what I had just walked in on, I managed to get a blanket, and an oversized sweatshirt from my closet, and said, "Maybe next time you should do this," pointing towards the position they were in, "in your own bed," and locked the door behind me. Why did I bring a blanket and an oversized sweatshirt you might ask, well, I had no other option but to sleep in my backyard now did I? It was a good thing the weather was pretty good otherwise I'd be freezing to death, and trust me that situation had occurred to me once and it was not something I'd like to remember. Ever. I ended up curling myself up on the bench in our backyard and snuggled up  with my blanket. I just stared at the stars for a couple of minutes.

What a beautiful thing they were. They were so small, yet illuminated the entire pitch black sky. It was like the only good in bad. I guess what gave me hope were the stars. My only reason to breathe were the stars. The only reason I'm alive today is because of the stars, because they made me realize that there is good for every bad, and one day I will find my own light, and until that day comes all I had to do was breathe.


Another chapter. More there is to know.
So the parents...or can you even call them that? But there definitely is something going on with the fathers. Crystal's father being the alcoholic, and Blake's being the one that ran away.

And the stars, Crystal sure does love them. They do mean something sentimental her. It's a way of making her believe she's not lonely in this world.

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