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"Ey! Where do you think your going?"
I mentally laughed at his stupidness. I mean, how did he expect me to answer his question when he was covering my mouth?
I muffled anyways to get him to uncover whatever was covering my mouth.
"Home," I lied.
"Your home is the other way. Or were you going to the police station?"
Oh so he was smart enough to know that.
"No. I was going to my grandma's house." I lied once more.
"Are you sure? 'Cuz if I find out otherwise, you don't want to know the consequences. Like I don't know maybe a slit on the neck, or better a peck on the lips?"

I wasn't scared of him. Like he had enough courage to do that. For all he knows, if I did go to the station he'd be in jail, how would he possibly be able to get to me from there. Anyways, sticking to my lie I continued to speak, "You don't have to worry about that. I'm actually going to my grandmas house. But you don't want to push my limits, 'cuz behind this facade," I motioned to my face, "there's a strong ass bitch and you don't want to mess with it."

"Oh really, so what exactly can this 'strong ass bitch' do to me?"

Punch you. Kick you in the balls. Pinch you. Slap you. Kill you with kindness. Oh the possibilities. But I kept all of these possibilities to myself for some reason, 'cuz deep down inside I knew I couldn't even hurt a little bug.

"Exactly." He said after hearing no answer. "You should be the one worried. I'm letting you go for now, but I'll be back and you know it."

..and with that he pushed me just like he did the day before but this time towards a wall. I hit my head really badly and fell. It wasn't that bad, I kept telling myself so I stood up and started to walk, not realizing the amount of blood on my forehead caused by an open scar he had left after pushing me that hard. I kept walking and began to get strange stares from strangers.

I was kind of dizzy, but I kept walking. I was fine. But as I thought that, the world began to spin and I bumped into something hard and tall. Before I was able to look up to see what it was, my body weakened and fell once more this time with my eyes closed.

"Where am I?" I said literally into blank air after being woken up to somewhere other than my bedroom or backyard.

Not expecting a reply, I heard someone with a deep husky voice say, "You're at a hospital."

I turned to see who it was, and once again it was the one and only, the perfect and flawless, the handsome and rich...Blake Curtis.

"How'd I get here?"

"I don't know. I was going to Wade's house when you bumped into me. Your forehead was bloody and you fainted."

Then I started to remember the whole incident with Shaquan. I can't tell him this. This is literally the second time he's seen me like this. Trying to change the topic, before he'd ask what happened, I asked,
"How long was I here?"
"Not too long. Maybe like half an hour."
"Why are you still here?"
He sort of grinned at this, "You have a really hard time saying thank you, don't you?"
"Thanks, but seriously why are you still here? Didn't you say you were going to meet Wade?"
"Yea, but he ended up going somewhere else anyways, and I had nothing better to do so I thought I'd just stay."
"Well you can leave now, as you can see, I'm totally fine."

Fine. That word was beginning to feel like such a lie.

"I'm not going to leave until you tell me exactly what happened to you."

Ok so he went there. What was I supposed to say. I mean I could lie. I've done it so many times that I could literally be an Oscar-winning actress. I was also really good at story-telling. This should be a piece of cake.

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