Gone with the wind

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"Wait hold up, who's Shaquan?" I practically laughed at how late Wade was.

"Long story. I'll explain it to you another day," replied Esra.

"So what's the plans for today?" I asked, and with Esra obviously being Esra was the first one to answer, "There is so much to be done! Weren't you the one yesterday saying how we were going to make snow angels and have snowball fights? I mean it snowed so much yesterday! Don't you ever think I'll give up that opportunity!"

I giggled at this, "ok well let's waste no time then. Girls vs boys. Get ready as fast as you can, go outside make your plan and after that is war."

With that being said, we harshly stood up causing the chair to make a loud skidding noise and ran upstairs to find some clothing appropriate for the weather.

Esra quickly grabbed two winter parkas, mittens and a hat for the both of us, in which we then quickly threw them on. We literally sprinted down the stairs, almost tripping on each other might I add, and bolted through the back door and into the backyard.

"So what's the plan?" I ask whispering, ducking a bit, noticing that the guys still hadn't been outside.

"Pfftt. What plan? I say we make as many snowballs as we can and see what happens from there, but we have to win, that's why I've planned our grande finale. There's two big buckets in the shed that no one but me knows about, we can fill them up with snow and when they least expect it, bam they got hit,"

I mentally laughed at how serious we were acting, and we were both distracted giggling and didn't notice the massive snowball coming right at us.

3, 2, 1... And it hit Esra's face.

"Oh no, you didn't!" Esra yelled, rubbing the snow off her face.

"Oh yes, yes I did," replied Wade, smirking, running off. We ran after him, picking up snow as we go, until I saw a snowball fall only an inch behind me. Looking back at who threw it, I realized it was Blake, yet he was nowhere to be found. Abandoning the whole "attack Wade mission," I quickly ran with the trail of footprints, leading to the shed. I was scared for a moment that he had found the buckets, right when I had caught a glimpse of him hiding behind the shed door.

So I quietly tiptoed around the shed behind him with a huge snowball in hand, and was about to throw it with my arms at a 40 degrees angle, right when it fell and made a huge thump noise. Obviously deafening Blake's ears, he quickly turned around with his lips parting into a long thin line. He had a snowball in hand as well and the only thing I thought to myself was "Run." So that's exactly what I did. Laughing so hard though it caused my running to falter. We ran around the entire house probably twice until I had given up, and bowed down for a second to breathe. Blake was still running so dang fast that when he noticed I wasn't running, he bumped into me, making the both of us fall.

Except this wasn't the kind of romantic falls you hear in books or movies where the guy ends up being on the ground and the girl on top. No. Instead I face planted into he ground since he bumped into me from behind with him only stumbling backwards.
God was I unlucky. My mood went from being jubilant to miserable.

With no energy left in me, I found it hard to get up, also might I add with the freezing cold snow in my face and on my entire body.

"Are you ok? I am honestly so sorry," Blake offered his hand to help me get up.

Helplessly I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up. Looking at me with sorrow in his eyes he said, "C'mon, let's get you inside."

The moment we stepped in, warmth from Esra's fireplace surrounded us, yet even that wasn't enough to keep me warm. The parka I was wearing was soaking wet and felt irritating on my skin, but I was also too cold to want to take it off.

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