After midnight

234 8 3

Crystal's POV:

Ugh. Tonight was literally a full house. Demetre's Diner was packed! For the past 2 years I've been working here, I know for a fact that there has never been this many customers. For all I know, Demetre's Diner was not what you would exactly call "The hot spot." So what had suddenly caused this many people to show up? I mean, I don't really mind because the more customers, the more I earn but I couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious. I must've been dozed off for a couple of seconds, because one of my co-workers (AKA; my bestie, Esra), waved her hands over my face, indicating that I was in La La Land.

"Earth to Crystal!" Esra shouted as I quickly gasped, "Crystal, are you ok? Are all these customers overwhelming you?" She chuckled.
"No, it's just that this has never happened, so I'm a bit curious as to why it's packed, that's all." I responded. "Why didn't you ask earlier? Apparently Blake Curtis called half of our school over to dinner to celebrate his big football win. There might even be a party later," she elbowed me, hinting that she wanted to go.

Right before I was about to answer her, my boss, Elena, called me over. Oh no. Did I do something wrong? Usually she never, and I mean NEVER, calls people over to just "say something." From the outside, she looks like a wise, old, nice lady, but once you really get to know her, you realize she's none of those things. In fact she was one of those snobby types of people that thought of theirselves as someone super high-classed, and better than everyone else. I guess there is such a thing as "inner beauty" that she was yet to find out about. Shaking away the not so nice thoughts of her I had in my head, I slowly began to walk up to her. I turned back to see Esra mouthing the words, "What's wrong?"
I quickly mouthed back the words, "I don't know," and continued to walk towards her. As I was a few inches away from her, she grabbed my arm and pulled me to a corner.
She said, "Look Crystal, tonight is a very important night. Tons of people are here and it has never been like this for months. You, specifically for having the privilege of working here this long know this personally. As much as I'd like to witness such a happy night, I can't because of an urgent family issue. I'm leaving you in charge. You better not mess this up, or you know what could happen. When I come back, I want to hear good feedback from the people you served today. Anyways, gotta go, ta taa," she quickly grabbed her bag and coat and left me in the kitchen by myself, still in shock of what she had just asked me to do. Just working here was very pressurizing, but being in charge? Man, that's like adding a hundred times more burden for me to carry on my back. Out of all people, why did she have to choose me? Now I was stuck to listen to her lecture about what went wrong tonight the next day, and trust me something always goes wrong. Even if you think you did well, she will find something to yell at you about. Right before Elena left the diner, she eyed me to serve the group of people sitting at one of those dark, lovey-dovey booths.

Sighing, I walked back to Esra as she gave me a concerned look, "What happened? What'd she say?"
"She has some sort of family issue and left this entire diner on this specific night for me to be in charge of." Esra's eyes widened when she heard what I just said, "OH MY GOD! Reallyyyy!! She must really trust you then. But I mean, you wouldn't mind if I took a little break to talk to some of our customers, riightt?"
"You know I can't let you do that, and we need your help anyways,"
"Oh come one Kri! I worked practically this whole day. This girl needs a little bit of fun in her life too you know."
"UGHH, fine. I'll take on your shift, but don't you ever forget this act of empathy my friend."
"Your the bestest out of all best friends in this universe, Kri!" She quickly took off her apron, and blew me a kiss, and ran towards Carly, Jason and Nick, who were the people we hung out with during school.
While they were having fun, I took out my notepad and walked towards the table Elena had ordered me to go to earlier. As I walked closer and closer to the table, I realized that that's where Blake Curtis and his gang were sitting. I stopped midway, and looked around me, trying to find a different employee to take my place but everyone was busy so I just took a deep breath, and continued walking over towards the table. I mean it's not like they were going to bite, right? But the instant I took step into their booth, I regretted it. I was disgusted by my sight. Jessica Neils was all cuddled up with Blake, and Wade, his best friend, had his hands all over a girl he must've picked up. They were the "popular kids" of Cordillac Collegiate Institute. Blake Curtis was an insanely rich, good-looking football player who didn't need to worry about a single thing in life because he was like I said insanely rich. He was probably the hottest guy in our school, and literally every girl in our school had their eyes drooping over him. What he did was what everyone seemed to talk about. Unlike him, I wasn't rich, nor was I popular. I had to actually work to achieve my goals. I wasn't necessarily a loner, because I did have friends, but if you weren't from the popular group, or the group of people that were constantly fangirling over Blake, you were automatically thought as one. I really didn't care what people thought of me, I was just grown up that way. I mean if people aren't going to like you for the person you are, then why care about them? Blake and I, or anyone from the popular group in that matter, had never made eye contact, let alone talk until this very moment. I'm pretty sure Jessica was about to kiss Blake until I interrupted them, "Ahem, Hello, I hope you guys are enjoying your night, I will be serving you tonight. What would you like?" Blake was the first to answer, and the first thing that came out of his mouth was, "I know you."
Yea. We have been going to the same school since 6th grade. We take history together every single morning. Instead of saying all of that, I just said, "Ok, umm, back to the orders, what would you guys like?"
"You're Crystal right?"
Wow. The one and only Blake Curtis actually knows me and acknowledges me as an actual human being. I should feel like some sort of princess. Sometimes I can be really sarcastic... Can you tell?
"Yep that's me."
"I'm going to have a cheeseburger with fries."
"Yea I'll have the same," says Wade.
"And for you girls?"
"I'll just have a salad," says the girl Wade was with.
"And I'll just have some water," Jessica says.
Without saying another word, I left to the kitchen preparing their meals. Why did I feel like I was being tested on? Who cares if they don't like me? What are they to me anyways? I grab their orders and head back to the table in which they were surprisingly not making out in.
"Thanks," I hear Blake say, and I just smile.
I let them eat and I head back to their table after they were done to receive their money for the orders they made.
"That'll be $28.99."
Blake hands me exactly 30 dollars and says, "Keep the change."
I blushed, not knowing what to say.
"You'll need it anyways," Jessica blurts out.
Woah there. Did she just say what I think she did? Did she pity me? I don't need her money, thank you very much. I work my butt off each and every single day so I can actually live. Meanwhile, she went to bars and parties every night. If she really thinks I was going to accept his money no, she should just piss off. What made me even more angry was the fact that no one said anything about it! I gave her a very rude smile, handing him back his money, saying, "You can have your money back, mister. I might not be rich but I am getting a long. While you're out having fun at parties, I actually have to work my ass off. Maybe you should try working some time." I quickly hovered my way over to the kitchen, still surprised by what I had just said. As I was leaving though, I felt a feeling of triumph and victory wash over me, especially after Wade started the whole "ooooohhhhhhhhs" as if this was some sort of diss battle. It was closed to closing hour though, and everyone started to leave. Esra and our little group, had already left, and after I made sure everyone had left, I threw on my coat and grabbed my bag and locked the doors of the diner. I took the back entrance out and found myself eavesdropping to a conversation outside.
"Why'd you say that to her?" It sounded a lot like Blake's voice. Woah! Did he just go from agreeing to her to defending me?
"What? That she needed the money? I mean it's not a lie.." I'm pretty sure that was Jessica.
"Yea but you don't have to rub it into her face!" Awe! Did he care about me?
"Are you really defending her? She's a frickin loser!"
"Ok, yea she's a loser, but she's probably.." I heard Blake say right before he was cut off by Jessica. I'm pretty sure they were making out, but completely forgetting that my mind focused on what he had just said.

Now I saw his real face. I was just a loser to him. Well that's nice to know, 'cuz Blake, I think of you just the same. The guy who plays with people's hearts and doesn't even care what happens after. Putting those thoughts aside, I walked towards the parking lot in which they were making out in, and slid right past them. They didn't mind a single bit. They just continued they're make out session. The reason why I was walking through the parking lot in the first place was because there had been a short cut to my home.

It was 10 at night and it wasn't safe for me to be roaming the streets alone, but what can I do? A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. My neighbourhood wasn't exactly the best either. It was one of those neighbourhoods full of gangsters and people that used drugs and alcohol. I was only a couple of inches away from my home. I was happy that I made the night without having to talk to any of the gangsters in my town. That is until Shaquan's gang showed up. Great. I literally just jinxed myself. They were all boozed up and weren't even walking straight.

I heard him say, "Hey baby! Care to have a drink with us?"
Pretending to ignore them I just continued to walk towards my door. My main priority right then and there was to reach my home for I did not want to get involved with them.
"Ey! I'm talking to you!" He said getting closer and closer to me. He finally got so close than he yanked my arm and turned me towards him. "Are ya deaf or somethin?"
"Let go of me!"I yelled.
"No can do. Your mine for the night."
What does he mean I'm his for the night? He began to walk the opposite direction holding me in one hand and I was trying to stay glued to the ground. "I'm not going anywhere!" I screamed.
He chuckled and took something out of his pocket. It was a switch blade. Holy crap! He held it against my neck and said, "Oh yes, yes you are."
I was screaming, trying to wake up the neighbours, even my mom who was definitely still in the house only a few inches away from me, but no one seemed to hear us.
"Shut up will you beautiful?" I looked at him disgustingly. I felt hopeless! No one was ever going to hear me but then a Porsche rolled up and oh was I glad to see that. Behind the Porsche were the cops. Shaquan and his gang bolted away after seeing the cops and dropped me harshly on the ground.
Oh was I ever so thankful for whoever was in the car. By the sound of sirens, everyone finally came out their doors wondering what had been going on, but my parents were still not out.
I saw the front door of the Porsche open, and saw who was my hero.
I saw a glimpse of long dirt blonde hair, blue eyes.

It was Blake.


How'd you guys like this first chapter? Leave a comment. I'd love to get some feedback. I'm sort of new to this whole "writing" thing.

So how are your feelings on Crystal? She tries to look strong when she is so broken inside. As for Blake, everyone knows him as the handsome playboy, can he really have a heart? What about Shaquan? He's going to be some trouble, and Jessica, well you''ll see what to expect from her. Then we have the lovely Esra! She made a small entrance in the first entrance but she'll definitely be back for more.

If you guys have any questions on the characters or me myself, feel free to comment! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, and I'll see you in the next!

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