The question.

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Crystal's POV:

After that whole cafe meltdown, we ended up busing to her home in which her parents weren't there. In fact her parents were almost never there. Business trips. Lucky for her. I wish my parents were gone for "business trips", but this night just happened to be one of those "nights".

The instant we walked in though, I saw Wade sitting on her couch.

"What is he doing here?" I whispered quietly, knowing they broke up a few days ago.

"A long story, but bottom line, we're back together."

Ok, so I really needed to talk to Esra about dating he wrong people. I mean practically the entire school knew why they broke up. He was using her and in under no circumstance shall any girl forgive a jerk like that.

Pushing those thoughts aside for now, we settled in and I put my coat on the rack and my bag on a love seat she had in her living room. I used to see Wade a lot when I came over to hang out with Esra but we never really talked that much. Just the "hi, goodbye, how are you?" Ushe.

I still couldn't believe they were dating though. Like the first time I heard the news I thought they were just joking. But no. Wade, the infamous Blake's best friend, whom also was granted with the title as a "player", was dating my best friend, the straight A student, Esra. There love story is a completely different one.

"Hey," I heard Wade say as he stood up to hug her.

"Hey," Esra replied smiling and hugged him back.

"Are y'all hanging out again. Should I stay out of this. Like is this a girls night?"

"Yea Wadey, it's a girl night. She's sleeping over."

"Don't call me Wadey beside others," he whispered, blushing.

We laughed, obviously hearing him.

"Kri, do you wanna go to the grocery store and buy a couple of things cuz I literally have nothing. You know what they say, chocolate is the best therapy!" Esra giggling, didn't even wait for me to answer and grabbed my arm and even before I could blink my eye we were standing outside the door with Esra asking Wade if he wanted anything and telling him that he can also stay over if he liked. In which both of his answers were "no" and "hurry up leave".

We went to a local grocery store and the moment we stepped in I felt bad for the people working because now it was war. Two girls versus one grocery store. We ran in wildly grabbing whatever seemed pleasant to sight. Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream, because we all know that's the best, chocolate chip cookies because they're a classic, Lindtt chocolates because they were my favourite, apples because you need a little bit of healthy, water, and tons of coffee. After all, it was obvious we weren't going to have any sleep anyways. We also decided to order pizza because we both didn't have dinner and were starving.

We ended up meeting at a cash register and although our aesthetics and moods were happy our wallets surely weren't, especially after I, being in the money crisis I was in, insisted on paying. I payed anyways though because I wouldn't have felt good if I didn't. So, while walking home we talked and talked as if we've never seen each other and months. We talked about how we did on the math test, then about how Mr. Jackson was weird, then about how irregular our periods were. Conversations with Esra are always the best. Can you tell?

We were in the midst of laughing while Esra dug into her bag trying to find her keys in the plethora of random junk.

"A ha! Won this round key!" She yelled in triumph. Man she was a great actor, but we still giggled to it anyways.

When she opened the door, we were still laughing, but that laughter didn't last long because someone I really didn't want to see had caught my attention.

"Blake?" I sort of squeaked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I gathered some more strength, putting myself together, trying to sound a bit rough.

"I need to talk to you."

"Well I'm here. Go ahead talk." I said sort of commanding it.


He was really pushing me over the line. I was already really annoyed by his presence, please don't make me do things I don't want to do. Huffing internally, I followed him into Esra's bedroom, as he shut the door behind him.

"Look. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For saying what I said."

Those words killed me inside. Do you really expect me to forgive you?

"And..? You expect me to forgive you? Your charm doesn't fool me Blake."

"So you think I have charm?"

Why did he have to make being angry at him really hard?

"That's not the point. You can't just blurt out whatever you think inside your head to people. Keep that information in there," I said as I pointed to his head and continued, "Otherwise, you may really hurt someone's feelings. Lucky for you, I'm used to that kind of shit. I didn't take you seriously. Just for future reference though, be careful what you say because like you said, you don't know a single thing about me. So you don't know what I've been trying to battle my entire life. Ok?"

Oh my god. I was so close to telling him my secret. Ugh. Stupid Crystal. Get yourself together! Hopefully he didn't understand it that way.

"And what may be this thing your battling be?"

Great. He asked. Come on awesome storyteller, make up another lie.

"Why do you care?"

"I don't."


"Then what? I was just curious."

"Is that all you were going to say, because I forgive you. After all, forgiving is the easier part, forgetting is harder."

Yea. Good job, Crystal. Be the bigger person. Say you forgive him even though you know you don't.

"Actually no. That's not all I was going to say."

"So what is it?"

"Can you be my girlfriend?"


Oh my god guys! I can't tell you how much fun I had writing this chapter and I hope you guys have just as much fun reading it. ☺️

I'm sorry this chapter was really short though, I just had to leave it there. With that cliff hanger. So what are your thoughts? Does Blake really have feelings for her? But in the previous chapter, in his POV, he didn't quite sound like that. Something's fishy, if you ask me. ;)

Also just like a bunch of y'all have been asking to get Esra back in the picture, a lot of y'all have also been asking to get Wade back in the picture as well.

Btw, the picture above is a pic I actually drew myself and the quote under it says, "she built up a world of magic, because her real life was tragic," and this goes completely with Crystal's lifestyle. She builds up a world of happiness to forget about the harsh truth. Anyways, that was just a little fun fact.

I can already tell the next few chapters are going to be interesting, so save this story to your library to get notified whenever I upload a new chapter. Also don't forget to vote and comment your ship names. I'm still waiting on those lol. Baii my lovelies😘

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