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Then, as I was on my way out of the room, a huge thump sound comes from downstairs.
I immediately react, but panic at the same time and seem to be frozen in place. Shit. See, Crystal! This is why you don't do shit like this. You are too much of a goody two shoes.

"Crystal, are you here?" I heard Blake's voice coming from a distant. With no option but to reply, I say, "Yes, I'm upstairs."

So what exactly was I going to tell him. Like Ey, I didn't know where the bathrooms were and somehow ended up in your bedroom? Sometimes I really contemplate how great of a liar I am.

"Hey," I felt a tap on my shoulder, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing. I needed to use the bathroom, but kinda got lost in the process, as you can probably already tell by now," I looked at him sheepishly to make my act more believable.

"Usually Merida helps our guests but she's out in the back watering the garden. Anyways, I'll show you where the bathrooms are. Follow me," Blake replied totally believing me somehow with no hint of curiosity in his voice. Hah. Boys.

After some long and confusing walk through a bunch of hallways, we somehow ended up at the bathroom.

I let out a little "thanks", before asking him why he came back so early.

He said that he forgot to bring her medicine and that her mom was talking to a neighbour in his car.

Once I made sure he was out I walked out of the bathroom because I obviously had nothing to do in there, and sat in the living room for a while. In the complete most utter silence, just listening to the harsh winds blowing and hitting the window and I thought. I thought real hard about my life and what I was doing to it. I'm honestly exhausted. I was tired of all the pain, the hurting, the loss, I was tired of it all. No matter how hard I tried to let go of and forget my past, it somehow always makes a presence into the present. No matter how hard I tried to be happy, pain would flash through my eyes. I never asked for this life you know! I never asked to be born into an unloving family. I never asked to be lonely and poor. I never asked for any of this. I mean what can you expect from a girl like me. I was broken. I am a broken girl.

Sometimes I would bring myself down like this, but always got a way to thinking around it. Like, I don't know, magic? After every bit of me knows I failed in life, there still was a tiny spark inside me that had faith. Maybe that's what made me different from everyone else. I would try to find the good in anything bad. The happy in anything sad. The rich in anything poor. The smart in anything dumb. Even if it's hard to believe it.

So, what exactly was I supposed to do? Just sit around and wait until they come? I was almost about to consider actually doing that, until my stomach began to gurgle. Uh oh. This was not good. No this was horrible. This was like a bad dream come true. Abort mission! Abort mission! First the cramping. Now the gurgling. We had to be prepared for the final step. The mental food takeover.

In other words, I was hungry.

I began to scour through the cupboards, the fridge, the pantry to find any snack of some sort. I think I forgot Merida was here because I grew anxious when I heard footsteps descending from the staircase.

"Do you need help, dear?" She asked kindly, somehow already knowing I was just hungry.

"Yea, I got kind of hungry," I looked down while talking so she wouldn't see the embarrassment in my eyes.

"Oh it's okay dear, no need to feel shy, I'll fix up a little something for you," she replied obviously trying to make me feel better.

"Umm, no that's okay, you don't need to make me a meal, a snack will do just fine."

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