Chapter Three

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~Chapter Three~

I rarely ever had nightmares, but that night was definitely an exception. After all, my whole family had just been murdered by my mate... Not the best first impression... but hopefully his reasoning for it was a lot better than I originally thought.

As I laid in bed, listening to Nathaniel softly snore, I finally decided to sneak out and find my pack. Beta Noah was probably worried sick. I had managed to block them all out of mind for the time being. It would have been dreadful if one of my pack members heard something they shouldn't have. No one needed to know about Alpha Anderson and I yet. They would have to wait, and that meant I would need one hell of a poker face.

My eyes quickly maneuvered from the boring ceiling and landed on my mates still body. His chest was slowing heaving up and down, but it didn't looking like he was waking up anytime soon. Unless, I managed to have another one of my clumsy moments. God, that would have sucked.

With extra caution, I slowly pulled off my covers and stepped out of my bed. The cool floor instantly had my toes curling up. Why was it so cold? Sure, I didn't have my fireplace going, but still...

I shrugged it off and carefully made my way around my sleeping mate. Somehow he managed to look absolutely gorgeous sleeping. How in the world could someone be so perfect? He didn't even have to try! It was ridiculous.

As quietly as I could, I opened up my door and slipped out, thankfully not making any mistakes getting out of my room. If he woke up on me trying to get out, surely he would be ticked.

It was only two in the morning, so the hallways were extremely dark. Since the attack, a lot of the torches lining the corridor walls had gone out, making it darker than it normally was. There was nothing worse than walking around eerily silent hallways in the dead of night when I could barely see five feet in front of me.

When I started my journey down to the pack prison, I had been expecting a lot of Silver Moon members guarding the halls, making sure none of the wolves in my pack were acting out. Surprising enough, there was no one in sight. They must have all crashed as well. The whole day was rather exhausting, I didn't blame them, but they must have had a lot of confidence in my pack staying put. My pack knew better than that though, they wouldn't plan an escape without some sort of authority telling them otherwise. As long as they knew I was alive they would keep still. It was amazing how loyal they were to my family.

My wolf paced in the back of my mind, she didn't like the fact that I had left my mate without telling him where I was going. She was worried that he would get upset with us. Everything I was doing lately was angering her. I was lying to the only person that was supposed to be able to trust us more than anything.

Will you calm down? You're freaking me out. I snapped at her. If she kept going, I was going to lose my courage and go back up to my room before Nathaniel found me missing, and I really didn't want to do that. I needed to talk to my pack and get some reassurance that everything was going to be okay.

I had never been to the pack prison before let alone down there myself, so I had to do my best and navigate my way as best as I could. There was never any need to know what was going on down there. It’s not like I wanted to know what the criminals were planning anyway. My sister had been caught once trying to get a small peek, but my father had caught her and grounded her for a week. Let's just say that still didn't teach her a lesson. She had way too much of a stubborn streak in her.

A few wrong turns later I found the entrance leading to the prison stairs. It was on the opposite side of the house from my bedroom, so I had to walk a lot further then I had wanted. I just wanted to explain to them what I wanted to happen and then I wanted to get some sleep.

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