Chapter Eight

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~Chapter Eight~

 The next morning, I woke up to very loud complaining. Oliver was shaking my shoulder dramatically and he was calling my name nonstop. 

“Geeze, kid. What’s wrong?” I asked, pushing his small hand away.

“I’m hungry,” he moaned rubbing his stomach to emphasize his point.

I grinned and ruffled his dark hair. “What time is it?” I wondered, sitting myself up.

He shrugged his shoulders, and began to bounce up and down on his knees. “Are we going to eat?”

I rolled my eyes, and pulled the covers off, the night before momentarily forgotten.

Oliver grinned, and jumped off the bed after me. He ran to the door, and flung it open so hard it hit the wall with a loud bang!

“Ollie!” I whispered harshly. I didn’t need Nate complaining, and I definitely didn’t want to run into him. There was movement downstairs, but I could only hope that it was Noah.

The small boy looked at me, and gave me a smug look, shrugging his shoulders, “Sorry.”

I couldn’t help the small smile from forming on my lips. It was obvious that he really didn’t mean his apology, but I just couldn’t get mad at the kid. He was way too cute.

We walked down the stairs together; for some reason he had way too much on his mind. His random sentences were the only thing keeping me halfway awake. If I was a five year old, I would have been terrified into silence by now, but Oliver was definitely something else.

By the time we got down to the main floor our discussion somehow ended up on the topic of rabid cats… I’m not sure who mentioned it first, but it was keeping me awake so I just went along with it.

As soon as we made it into the kitchen Oliver shut up and instantly started opening up all the cupboards.

“What are you doing?” I asked quietly just in case Nathaniel was downstairs. I didn’t want him to know Ollie was going through his things.

The little boy looked up at me with a sheepish look, “I’m looking for the cereal!”

I sighed and poked my head into the living room. There was no way I was going to take any of the alpha’s food without asking. He was probably still in a bad mood from the night before. I, for sure knew I was.

The second I comprehended what I was seeing, I let out a small squeal and jumped back. Nate was standing right in front of me with his eyebrow arched in amusement. His hair wasn’t brushed which made him that much more handsome.

My wolf whimpered, and I had to force her back before she tried something the both of us would regret.

“Good morning, Sunshine,” Nate smirked, crossing his arms and leaning back against the doorframe. “What do you need?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but then I shut it again. Why was he being so nice? He was in too good of a mood. Shouldn’t he have been mad at me from the night before?

It took a few moments but I finally got my words out, “Oliver’s hungry, and I didn’t want to rummage through your cupboards without your permission…”

He rolled his eyes, “You live here now. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

“But I don’t know where anything is,” I said looking down and turning back around so I could see what Ollie was doing.

Nate let out a sigh and pushed himself off the wall. “I’m only showing you this once.”

I nodded and followed after him back into the kitchen. He opened up one of the cupboards next to the sink. It was way too high for Oliver to reach so no wonder the kid never found what he was looking for.

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