Chapter Six

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 ~Chapter Six~

“Get up, now.”

I let out a groan and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. There was no way I had had more then two hours of sleep.

When I didn’t make a move to get up, I felt a foot kick into my stomach. In reality, it didn’t hurt that bad, but me being who I was, I acted like Nate had just internally bruised every single one of my organs. “Do you mind?” I groaned, sitting up.

I held onto my stomach and glared up at the annoyed looking alpha.

“We need to get going. We have a lot of ground to cover today.  It may take longer than I had originally planned.” His face looked strained, but it didn’t last long. As soon as he trained his eyes back on me, his pissed off look instantly came back. Wow, it was nice knowing that it only took my face to put someone in a foul mood, typical.

“What time is it?” I questioned, stretching out my limbs. Everyone else was already down by the lake eating breakfast, or cleaning off.

“Late,” he grumbled.

I rolled my eyes and shook the snow out of my hair. It hadn’t snowed much, but it was enough to cover the whole area in a thin white layer. The lake showed no signs of freezing over, so it must not have gotten too cold the night before.

When Nathaniel walked away, I took that as the time to stand up and walk over to my pack. As usual, they had separated themselves away from the Silver moon members. For some reason Kara kept shooting glares over at Echo, but the tattletale didn’t seem to notice. I hadn’t realized Kara cared about me enough to hold a grudge against someone for so long.

I took a seat next to Elizabeth who was blankly staring out in the direction of the forest. Her brown locks were piled into a messy high ponytail, and she looked like she could use some extra hours of sleep.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, snapping her out of her reverie.

She jumped slightly in surprise, “Oh, it’s just you,” she smirked, turning her attention to me.

“Yeah, it’s just me. You didn’t answer my question,” I chuckled, stretching my legs out in front of me.

“I was just thinking…So much has happened in the last two days. Mel, I suck at change.” Liz’s eyes glazed over as she began to think back to what I am guessing was the attack.

I waved my hands in front of her face to stop her from over thinking everything. It was better if we all forgot about the past and focused our attention on the future. By the looks of how things were going, we needed to be prepared. If Nate was right by saying there was going to be a giant war, I needed my pack to be ready for a fight. Heck, I wasn’t even ready for a fight.

“Look, I know this is all hard,” I sighed, running my fingers through my tangled hair. “But, we need to stay tough. Think about Oliver and the rest of the kids, if they see that we are upset then they will be too.”

“Yeah, I know… I guess it just freaked me out when you went missing yesterday. Alpha Nathaniel said you were right behind him, and of course Aaron had something to say about that,” she chuckled.”

I rolled my eyes, “What did he say?” I wondered. It made sense that Aaron would say something. The boy couldn’t keep his big mouth shut.

Her eyes lit up in amusement, “He blamed the Alpha. He said that he probably killed you and threw your body in the lake when none of us were looking. Nathaniel didn’t like that too much.”

I burst out laughing just as Nate began to walk toward us. He must have expected me to get my pack to get moving, instead of wasting time by talking to them.  

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