Chapter Seven

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~Chapter Seven~

Nate's home was a simple looking, two-story, red brick house. It sat away from the center of the village and closer to the outside gates which honestly shocked me. I had expected his home to be in the middle of everything, not out in the open where anyone could get to him. The most shocking part about the whole thing was that his house wasn't huge. Nearly every Alpha that I knew had a giant place to live in.

"It might be smaller than you are used to, but it'll have to do. Unlike you guys, everyone in my pack has a separate home. We like our own space," Nathaniel said, brushing past me to unlock his front door.

"No, it's perfect," I muttered, taking in all of my surroundings. I had always hated living in the pack house. It was too full of people, and I wanted nothing to do with that. It was always my dream to get out of the place and live on my own.

Before Nate had a chance of stepping into the dimly lit hallway, the sound of hooves clicking against the hard ground reached our ears.

The five of us flung around to see Theo approaching us with a younger centaur tagging along behind him. The little boy seemed to be about ten years old, and he looked more confident than I have ever been in my whole life. His golden eyes glistened in what almost looked like excitement.

"Sir, we seem to have a problem," Theo stated, pulling my attention from the boy back to him.

"Yes, what is it?" Nate asked, stepping away from the warmth of his house.

Theo discreetly nodded his head toward me and then looked back at Nate with a look of uncertainty.

"This is about me?" I snapped, glaring at the centaur. What could I have possibly done wrong now?

"Trust me, miss. The problem isn't you."

I wanted to say something else, but Noah placed his hand on my shoulder to keep me quiet. "You need to learn how to keep your mouth shut," he hissed in my ear.

I turned my glare to him, and crossed my arms over my chest. This was dumb. They were talking about me behind my back and I wasn't supposed to get upset about it?

Noah kept his hard gaze on me until Nate turned back to us. "Chris, could you please stay here with them until Zeke and I get back with Theo?" Nate looked slightly annoyed and rushed at the same time.

Chris? Who was Chris?

The third in command began to speak, giving me my answer. So, that's what his name was? It didn't suit him. It should have been something darker. Something like Demetri... I don't know, that just sounded like a ruthless name to me.

"Yes, Alpha," he said, bowing his head slightly in respect.

If Noah wasn't still glaring daggers at me, I would have complained about being stuck in the same house as the man that murdered my sister, but I knew better. The both of us had had a long day, and I could tell he just wanted to get some rest.

Nathaniel crooked his head my direction and let out a huff of air, "Please, behave yourself. When I return I will get you both settled in a room. As of now, you can relax in the living room. Spend your time watching television or something."

I neglectfully nodded and pushed myself past Chris into the house. I could deal with this. I needed time away from Nate. This was going to be good for me... Once I figured out what in the world was going on.

As soon as I walked inside, I noticed that the living room was immediately to the left. I hit the light switch on the wall and observed the surprisingly decent decorations. The wall was a light blue and the floors were a light mahogany color. He had a dark brown leather couch and a single brown leather chair facing the fireplace, and on top of the mantle hung a forty-inch long flat screen TV. The room wasn't huge, but it was a comfortable size. Something I could easily get used to.

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