Chapter Five

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~Chapter Five~

I looked up at him in confusion. He was asking me if I was good or evil? Did he not see himself?

His eyes bore right into mine with such intensity that I wanted to cower back, but I wasn't going to show him fear. This man, my mate, was a monster that fed off of fear, and because of that, I wasn't going to show it to him.

"If you are asking me if I am as evil as you, then no I am not," I spoke through gritted teeth."

Nathaniel's eyes flashed darker than I had ever seen them before. "You don't know a thing about me," he growled.

"All I need to know is that for some reason your messed up brain thought it was okay to murder over half of my pack, including my sister and my pregnant mother. What did they do to deserve that?" I asked, hatred finally overpowering my fear.

"If you think that is evil, you obviously haven't lived. There are evils out there stronger than your tiny little brain will ever be able to comprehend." He placed his hands on either side of my head and he gradually leaned closer toward me as he spoke.

Just as I thought his lips were going to greet mine, he pulled away and took a step back. "I thought you would have been exactly like your father, but I must have guessed wrong. You are weak and you are clueless. He at least knew what side he was on."

I watched him dumbfounded as he turned to walk away. What was he talking about? I gave him an answer. What more did he want?

"What do you mean?" I grumbled, frustrated with him. For some reason he seemed to think all the wrong things. "How can I pick between you and my father if the both of you are more wicked than the devil himself?"

"Excuse me?" Nate questioned, flinging around to face me again.

I could feel the color drain from my face as I stared up at his murderous expression. His eyes narrowed in on me, and they flashed into that familiar black that I had grown so used to. He stalked toward me with a look of pure hatred on his face. I should have learned by then to stop making him so furious all the time, but I couldn't help it. He made me so irritated that it was just a natural response for me.

"Didn't I just tell you that you didn't know the meaning of evil? You should be keeping your mouth shut. You will know it when you have experienced it." He held his forearms out to me for some reason I couldn't understand.

I stepped back  in confusion and eyed him curiously. "What?" I asked, looking at them closely.  That is when I saw them. Both of his arms were covered in scars. They covered nearly every inch of his skin, and they weren't just on his arms either. They were all over his body. It literally looked like he had been torn into shreds and then glued back together. How could I have not noticed them before? They weren't that noticeable anymore, because they were obviously created when he was a young boy, but still some of them were more evident than others.

Unconsciously, I stepped forward and reached for his jaw. A ragged scar traveled from his left eyebrow all the way down to his top lip. Of course, this wasn't one of the more pronounced ones, but I was smart enough to realize that it wasn't painless when it happened.  He was a werewolf, we never scarred, unless silver was involved.

Nathaniel wrapped his fingers around my wrist before I was able to touch him, and held them down to my sides. "There is no need to get all sentimental for me. I can handle myself. Sadly, everyone gets all teary-eyed when they notice them."

I wasn't crying was I? I reached for my cheek, and sure enough I had allowed some tears to fall loose without even realizing it. Who in their right mind wouldn't get upset about a little kid being abused? It also didn't help that that little kid all grown up was now my mate, and I couldn't help but pity him.

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