My letter

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I've wrote my letter of resignation,
To this world,
It's time to go,
It's time to move on,

Five letters sit on my table.
Next to a basket of crumpled ones.
A perfect goodbye,
Is not easily written,

"I love you but I need to go",
To blunt,
"Forever was just too long a life",
Why is this so hard?

In the end I used the second.
I write five letters,
And it doesn't feel like enough,
How many people am I leaving?

My mother,
My sister,
My father,
And my best friend,

The boy I love like a brother,
And a prince who was once a princess.
My group of girls who gossip oh so well,
And maybe even you.

Only five of what could be hundreds,
Will hear my goodbye,
I feel so sad,
Isn't that why I came to all this?

I go up,
Then come down,
Maybe that's why I am unsure,
Or am I just scared of the unknown?

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