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If you could have one power,
What would you choose?
Something for yourself,
Or something that would help?

Would you pick,
To read minds,
Be invisible?

Have strength,
Stop time,
Travel through time?
Or would you choose,

To take away pain,
To never be able to judge others.
To forgive those who wronged you,
Something to help?

What would your choice be?
For me,
The end of people's pain,
My heart shatters to see pain,

When someone you love hurts,
How do you feel?
What about people that are in so much pain,
From disease or hunger?

Will you be the one to help them?
Or will you choose something selfish,
Only for you?



I am sorry if I offended anyone this; that was not my intention. The point to this is that the first things I listed are feeble things that aren't really obtainable, while the other things can be done to an extent.

I don't know....

Honestly I would love to have many of these powers but that's not really possible so I want to go for what I might be able to help with.


I hope you have a good day/ night,


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