Welcome to Hell

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Mrs. Reynolds claps her hands together in contentment, "perfect, here you are Sehren." She hands me a neatly folded stack of schedules, "all the boys have the same schedule," every senior in the school has an almost the same schedule, "and share every class with you! So this won't be an inconvenience."

How thoughtful. I scan each schedule quickly and sure enough we share every single class. Awesome. I don't know what it is but these guys give me a bad vibe, 7 teenagers showing up for senior year in nowhere Maine? Tell me that's not suspicious. Briar and Salem will need to be told ASAP. If I can get their names sent off to Briar soon she can have bios done up on each of them by the end of the day, maybe then I can rest easier.

Pasting on my brightest smile I motion towards the office door, "let's go find your lockers."

Mr. BMW himself opens the door, waiting for me to exit first before following behind with the others. They're all inhumanly attractive, like a group of models or something; they'll make friends quick. I swiftly make my way towards my own locker, two of them have spots by me, Salem is, of course on my left while one of the new guys, Saint Milani, is now on my right. Ellis Mitchell is next to Saint.

I point to my locker, "this is me," then the two to the right, "Saint's to my right and Ellis is beside." I deftly twirl in the combo and pop open my locker, pulling out first and second period books, AP Literature and Calculus. I shove the books into my canvas messenger bag then face the guys once again, ready to move on. I just want this day done.

Before I can take a step a warm, tan hand encircles my wrist. I can't help but stare for a minute. Nobody touches me, aside from Salem and Briar, ever. In the hallway people go out of their way to avoid bumping into me, everyone's careful to avoid contact when passing me things; people tend to go out of their way to not touch me and here this new guy is, wrapping his hand around my pale wrist.

Tilting my head to the side I drag my curious gaze to his--very handsome--face. It's like every feature on his face was selected for the sole intent of attracting unsuspecting people, both male and female. From his dusky complexion to the heavily lashed dark as night eyes to his tall, lean frame. This guy could stop traffic with a glance.

"I need help with the lock." He purrs, still lightly clasping my wrist, in a voice that's oddly alluring. It's almost to low and rich to be real with a velvety quality that makes me want to lean closer.

I need to get away from these guys ASAP.

"Here, watch me." I step past him, careful to keep a few feet of distance between us, "you just twist the dial to the left twice until you reach the first number, then right once until you get to the next and then left again until you hit the last number and then you pull down on the lock."

I motion for him to try it out gasping in surprise when he lifts my hand up, flips it over and plants a swift, gentle kiss to the underside of my wrist.

"Thank you angel." His hypnotic voice washes over me once more.

I strain for composure as he and the other boy--also handsome but in a different way--shove some books inside their lockers. If Salem were here I'd feel much more comfortable in this situation. Mostly because he'd be right here with me running interference and taking away all the attention. As it is can feel the stares of the boys on me, tracking my every breath.

Pulling strength from within I straighten my spine and force a smile. These boys may be unnerving and strange but I'm the Queen of strange and no one is going to intimidate me on my turf. Twirling to face the group as a whole I make a point of meeting each set of eyes directly before motioning to the staircase, "shall we, the rest of your lockers are upstairs."

-------Time Lapse-------

Once all the boys are hooked up with a locker it's time for class. I'd be lying if I said the thought of spending anymore quality time with them didn't unnerve; unfortunately they are in all my classes. Which really isn't that surprising considering everyone taking AP classes is automatically put on the same schedule. I'd assumed I'd get a brief respite from them during band, however, I was sorely mistaken. All seven are enrolled in the schools music program as well.

"Sehr!" I look up with my first genuine smile since getting to school.

"Kam!" I break away from the guys and move towards the tall, heavily muscled body of one of my best friends. I practically throw myself at him.

Kamden, or Kam for short, is one of those guys you just can't take your eyes off. His mother was a French supermodel and his father was a very handsome African-American man. The combination of the two creates a females very dream of perfection with smooth coffee and cream colored skin, perfect high cheekbones and a strong, square jaw, the most amazing light green eyes in creation and close cropped dark brown hair. While I find him attractive, I've never been attracted t him, which sucks considering how much I care for and trust him.

I'm promptly swept off my feet as his well muscled arms curl around my waist and squeeze gently. Two low growls sound out from behind us and I feel Kam stiffen before he sets me down, slightly behind him. He emits a low, answering growl.

My eyebrow quirks up. Kam's a werewolf/caster cross who transferred here in grade 5 after his father died and his mom sent him to live with her brother--the alpha of our local pack. His uncles a grade A dick, who considers Kam's color as well as his werewolf/caster status blasphemy. It's not unusual for Kam to practically live at my house, except during the summer when his mother deems his company acceptable for a few months.

I peer around Kam's broad back at the boys with interest trying to determine which of them are werewolves--Kam would have mentioned if his uncle invited a neighboring pack to visit. My eyes clash with molten gold orbs slightly obscured by messy dark brown hair.

I don't know how he failed to capture my attention before, perhaps it's because he stands towards the back of the group and emits a distinct 'piss the fuck off' aura. He's taller than Kam by inches, which is impressive considering Kam stands at 6'4, he's also more muscular than Kam, very impressive. Golden tanned skin stretched taut over rugged features, shaggy hair and his black jeans and fitted black t-shirt complete the bad boy on steroids image. The way his lip curls up in a snarl and his answering growl cement his werewolf status.

I glance to his left only to find a pair of emerald eyes trained on me intently. It's obvious he's also a wolf but unlike his companion this guy looks more like a model than a killer. Perfect, lightly tanned features, a tall, leans build that's neither bulky nor skinny and shiny golden hair pulled back securely in a short ponytail that lies on his nape. He's the less threatening of the two but only in appearance. It's plain to see his eyes carry a calculating quality.

"Did your uncle mention visitors?" I whisper to Kam through our mindlink.

Looking down at me with a concerned frown he answers back, "no."

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