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North refused to talk on the subject any further. His jaw clenched tight as he rhythmically squeezed his hands into fists.

I know I can't push any further with so many people in hearing range but it doesn't mean I can't bug him a little. Opening my mouth I'm about to rapid launch questions at him when the overpowering stench of too much rose smelling perfume washes over me.

North's nose wrinkles in distaste. If my much less developed sense of smell is offended I can't imagine what he must be going through.

Reluctantly turning to face Christy I literally have to fight the urge to not plug my nose. I don't know what it is with people thinking dosing themselves in perfume or cologne is attractive. Migraines aren't sexy.

Christy's gaze is fixed on North, she's practically raping him with her eyes, you can actually see her mentally peeling away his clothes. I barely repress a shudder. Another, stranger, part of me wants to hit her upside the head for even looking at him in the first place. Maybe because she interrupted my interrogation, I don't know and right now I don't care to figure it out.

"Can I help you Christy or would you rather continue eye raping the new students?"

Lucian barks out a laugh, folding at the waist with the force of his mirth. "Don't worry baby brother, sugar's defending your virtue!"

Baby brother? My wide eyes dart between Luke and North. As far as I can see the only similarity between the two is...well nothing,  don't see any similarities. They're both good looking but in extremely separate ways, and as far as I can tell their personalities are polar opposites too. "You two are brothers?" I ask slowly, completely ignoring a still enthralled Christy.

North grunts, shooting Luke a quick glare, "fraternal twins, he's older by a minute." It seems to almost pain him to admit this.

"Your poor mother," I murmur thinking about the unfortunate woman who had the burden of carrying both North and Luke. I imagine they were both large babies considering their size now, probably 8 pounds or more at birth. A sympathy wince runs through my body at the thought.

"Hi." The zombie that is Christy finally attempts to speak albeit in a voice that's annoyingly high pitched and breathy.

North grunts, his standard response to everything I'm learning.

Does hi lack of interest deter Christy though? Nope. Gotta give the girl credit, she is persistent.

Christy turns to me, her lip curling up disdainfully. She's a member of the local pack Tyler's father runs and as such she's also been indoctrinated to loath everything and everyone that isn't a 'pure' supernatural. She puts on a good act for North though, "hi Sehr, I didn't see you there probably because you always sit in that corner," she waves her hand towards the back of the room where she typically sits with the rest of the pack. "Would you mind maybe moving back there," she looks appropriately hesitant to ask me to move, "it's just that's my assigned spot."

Assigned spot my ass, I've been sitting in this same seat since the beginning of the year. While arguing with Christy would be amusing to say the least I feel like a small break from the boys would be best. All the pet names they use, the weird sparks I feel whenever one of them touches me and their painfully bogus reason for being have me on edge. A little time to clear my mind and regroup ma be just what I need. Plus I probably have a million texts from Salem asking if I made it to school since I haven't contacted him once since arriving.

Decision made I scoop up my notebook and bag, "it's all yours Christy."

A slightly paler hand encircles my wrist causing those damn sparks to act up again, "where are you going princess?" Viktor asks pulling me closer so I'm standing right in front of him.

I shift my balance to my left patience is running thin, "just to the back, I'll see you after class." Unless of course I can manage to pawn off my duties as tour guide to someone else--which, judging by the amount of female and male attention the guys are receiving, shouldn't be hard. "Can you let go of my arm please Viktor?"

His eyes flare brightly and for a moment I think he'll refuse but then he drops my arm abruptly, his eyes dulling, "see you later Sehren."

Feeling like I just made a big mistake I scamper away, pushing through the wall of girls surrounding Ford to make my way to the desk in the corner. Once seated I open up my notebook for when scond bell rings and class starts. A strange pushing sensation begins at the back of my skull, almost like something is trying to worm its way in. I reach back and brush my hair out of the way, pushing at the base of my skull but feeling nothing. The pushing becomes more insistent, no longer just an annoying sensation. Something inside me know instinctively what to do and I manage to shove back only looking up when I hear the soft gasp from across the room.

Viktor and I stare at each other. It slowly dawns on me that he just tried to force his way inside my head and I somehow pushed him away. Nobodies ever tried to jump inside my head before, werewolves don't have the ability to and Salem's powers are more of a physical nature. Should I be able to push Viktor's power away so easily? Judging by the surprised look on his face I'm going to guess no. Shit.

Luckily the final bell rings heralding the entrance of our teacher, Mr. Evans. My phone buzzes once in my pocket indicating a text message.

Already knowing who it is I bite my lip and click on the screen.

Salem: Why the fuck is Kam texting me saying you have a group of MALE supernaturals following you?

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